Page 109 of Pause

“Oh, Marin,” Joss says, distracted. “Slade asked if you could clean your old room. The guests finally checked out late.”

“Sure.” I glance at my phone again. Still no messages. “But…where is he?”

“Uh…he’s gonna help you. He’s waiting upstairs in your old room.” Joss continues eating as though she forgot I was there.

Why did he ask Joss to relay the message? Why didn’t he just text me?

Something is very wrong. I turn to face the beckoning door, the ocean waiting to greet me. I’d like to go outside and run until I no longer have the strength to move. I’d like to dissolve into a puddle of devastated tears.

But I don’t. Running away never solved anything.

Not today, insecurity. Not today.

I’m going to march upstairs and tell Slade I want to marry him right now. I’m not going to hold back. I don’t care if I sound cheesy. He’s about to hear what’s in my heart, and that’s just the way it is. He’s showered me with love, affection, and understanding since the moment I met him. How can I doubt him? Do I want someone who’s constantly pursuing me or someone who stands beside me through life’s challenges? The answer is obvious. Slade’s never left my side. Not once.

I refuse to let Blu’s actions control my life for one second longer. It’ll always cause me pain and create insecurity if I let it. But I don’t have to listen to that nagging little voice. I can ignore it and comfort myself with the truth.

The truth is, I know Slade loves me. I know it beyond a shadow of a doubt. His love heals me and erases past hurt. I know he wants to marry me. Absolutely. He’s been waiting for me to be ready. I see that now.

I practically run all the way to my old room. I forgot my keys, so I knock on the door, three hard thumps.

Slade partially opens the door. I blurt everything out before I lose my nerve. “Here’s the thing, Slade. You’re the reason I get up in the morning. I don’t know what I’d do without you. You’re the other half of my soul. I never knew I could feel this happy, and it’s all because of you. I love you, I love you, I love you. You’re everything to me. You’re my home, my heart, my anchor. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to marry you and it can’t happen soon enough. I know you feel the same way and…” I trail off as I notice he’s wearing dark jeans, a belt, and a tucked-in button-up under a blazer. For Slade, it’s fancy. I lose all my momentum. “Why are you dressed up?”

“What do ya mean? I always look this good.”

“And why is the room dark?” The lighting is odd, a warm glow behind him. “Have you already started cleaning?”

Slade opens the door, revealing at least a hundred battery-operated candles placed throughout the room. A fire roars in the fireplace. Achingly soft violin music is playing from a hidden source. Rose petals dot the floor. Dinner is spread out on the table with silver domes over the top of the plates. It’s breathtaking. The epitome of romance.

“Wait.” I’m stunned into silence as understanding dawns. “Is this what you were busy doing today?”

He dips his head. “Yes.”

“For me?” I’m in a daze.

“All for you,” he says, a glint in his eyes. “Will you join me?”

When I walk in, he closes and locks the door. The next thing I know I’m in his arms and he’s kissing me like he hasn’t seen me in forever. He walks me backward until we hit the wall. His kiss continues its intimate attack as though he’s lost all inhibition. His passion is unbridled, exactly the way I imagined it would be, only better.

Slowly, he restrains himself, resting his forehead on mine. “By the way, I loved your declaration at the door. Will you say it one more time?”

“I’ll say it every day for the rest of your life.”

“Love that.” Slade kisses my forehead. “You didn’t spiral while I was incognito today, did you? I’ve been worried. Joss said you seemed…out of sorts.”

The entire day falls into place. “A tiny bit. I’m messy, remember? Doubt wants to be my best friend.”

Slade runs his lips over mine. “Ah, doubt’s a jerk. Better now?”

“So much.”

“Gotta admit, you scared me, Marin James. I don’t scare easily.” He pulls me further into the room, wrapping me in his arms and rocking me gently to the sway of the music. “I’m not sure you understand how much you mean to me.”

“I do, actually. Because you tell me every day. You show me every day. I want to do the same for you.”

He cups my cheeks, staring directly into my eyes. “You just did.”

We share a smile before Slade invites me to have a seat. “Feel like joining me for dinner?”