Page 101 of Pause

“I am. I couldn’t let you face this alone,” he says tenderly.

We keep talking over our phones as he approaches. He’s walking slowly, his eyes only for me. My wish has come true. I’m being pursued by Slade Sheridan in a way that has only happened in my dreams.

“I can’t believe you came all this way.” Oh whisper, why are you my curse?

“I should have come with you in the first place. I’m sorry. I abandoned you when you needed me the most.”

He’s still walking toward me with a slow stride. The slowest stride in the world, making anticipation boil inside me. A burning smolder meets my gaze. I shiver, even though I’m hot all over.

“I should have asked you to come with me. I regret my actions. Bitterly. I was crazy with emotion,” I tell him.

“I know, and I understand.” His low voice booms with intensity.

He’s standing right in front of me now. He clicks off his phone and places it in his pocket. I do the same.

“I’m so sorry, Slade.”

“No more apologies. There’s only one thing I care about.” His voice is as soft as silk running over my skin.

“What’s that?” I ask, my voice husky.

“You said you loved me.” A unique force carries his voice to my ears.

The stillness of the moment wraps around me, warming me. “I do. I love you so much.”

“I feel the same,” he says, his voice silvery and seductive.

I’m under his spell, exactly where I want to be. “About the question you asked me as I left…”

He places both hands in his pockets, standing inches away, but denying me his tender touch. The suspense is killing me. “Ah, you mean the worst proposal known to mankind.”

I smother a flash of anguish. “It wasn’t the worst. It was the best proposal I’ve ever received. Heatedly romantic because of the rawness of the moment. I knew it was sincere, that it came from your heart. I still drove away, knowing I would regret it.”

“We’re even. I regret my actions that night as well. Let’s move on,” he says, his voice deep and dusty.

I can’t move on. “About that question.” My voice trembles. “I need to know…does it still stand?”

His eyes shimmer. “It does.”

“Do you want to know my answer?” I find him vaguely disturbing this evening. The way he’s looking at me. No one has ever looked at me like that. He owns me with his eyes.

“Yes,” he says in a hoarse whisper.

“It’s yes. Screamed a thousand times over.”

He blinks heavily and his full lips tip into a small smile. It’s the moment when I know everything is going to be okay.

He steps even closer, his hands still in his pockets. He’s not touching me, yet he’s touching every inch of me. “I would like to put this conversation into theto-be-continuedcategory for the moment. I will say this, though. Let’s give ourselves some time. I don’t want to rush you. We need more time, don’t you think?”

Yes. Logically, I know Slade’s right. It would be foolish to jump into marriage after such a short amount of time. Even when we both feel so sure. We’d be doing the exact thing I’m so upset about Blu doing. Still, my mind is screaming at me,Blu left you, you didn’t leave him. It’s not the same thing.

I did find someone new just as fast as Blu did. Except I never claimed marriage was of the devil and therefore not for me.

Slade’s watching the emotions play over my face. He’s waiting for an answer. “Yes. I know we need more time.”

“But not too long,” he whispers against my lips before placing his on mine in a sweet kiss. He never removes his hands from his pockets, making our kiss all the more seductive. I want his hands on me.

When it ends, he nods his head toward Blu’s wedding reception. “Hey, first things first. How ’bout we join dumb and dumber? Dance with me?”