Page 10 of Pause

I place my hand in his and we shake. “You’re the owner?”

“Guilty as charged.”

“How do I rate? You just happened to be outside when my car died?” I’m in desperate need of a hero today. Someone’s watching over me.

“I was taking out the trash and heard you trying to kill your car.” He cringes. “Gotta say, in all my thirty-one years, I’ve never heard a car crying for help until today. It was screaming like a baby.”

“Apt description.” I grimace. “Slade, huh? That’s not a name you hear very often.” Like Blu. But that wasn’t his real name.

“My mother liked the idea of giving my brother and me family names. Slade is the maiden name of her maternal grandmother.”

“What about your brother?” I ask, curious.

“Poindexter. My mother’s paternal grandmother’s maiden name. He’s a smart guy and goes by Dex. That being said, I think I won the name lottery.”

A hint of a smile trickles across my face, one second there, the next gone. “I agree.” Then the word vomit begins. “His name was Blu,” I spew, seemingly out of nowhere. I don’t know where it comes from. It just spurts out without my permission.

Slade looks confused. “Uh, the missing groom?”


“Does he have a brother named Purple?”

A quick, slightly hysterical laugh, erupts from my lips. More like a witch cackle than anything else. I’m surprised the sound came from me.

“Aw, good to see a smile on your face. I shouldn’t have said that, I apologize.” He looks down at his computer as though he’s ashamed of himself.

“Don’t. No need.” I sigh. “It’s a nickname. It wasn’t his real name.”

“Hmmmm.” He types on his computer. “And you’d like to stay for two weeks?”

“Yes. Maybe longer. It’s not like I have anything to go home to.” I look down at my hands. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to say that out loud.” More word vomit. Symptoms of heartbreak must mimic the flu.

“What happens in Sheridan House stays in Sheridan House.”

“Good to know.” I will grieve here. And when I leave, I will leave my grief here. It won’t go with me. I swear it.

“Slade? Do we have a new guest?” a sweet, high-pitched voice questions.

“Sure do.”

“I can check her in,” the lady insists.

“I got it.” Slade continues to type on the computer. “I’m giving her the cancellation from earlier.”

The sweet, high-pitched voice belongs to a fragile young lady who looks to be around my age. She has rolled into the room in a wheelchair from what appears to be a private apartment behind the counter. At first glance, I’m taken aback by her beauty. My first impression is of softness and sweetness, a blonde angel.

Wish I could pull that off. I’m blonde, but no one has ever called me an angel. Kira would laugh at the thought.

I don’t know why I think these things at first sight without knowing her. Maybe it’s because she exudes peace and calm. And her huge smile, it’s beautiful and genuine.

She stops mid-roll when her eyes land on me. I seem to have that effect on people today. I mean, I know my hair is a rat’s nest from the drive in the convertible, my pristine updo long gone. Do I lookthatbad? I’ve only allowed myself one good cry. My eyes can’t bethatred and puffy. Can they?

When she unfreezes from her shock at my appearance, she says, “Hi, I’m Josslyn Hayes. Call me Joss. Welcome to Sheridan House.”

“Hi Joss. I’m Marin.”

Slade’s taken. Glad I didn’t rebound flirt with him. That would’ve sealed the deal on a very bad day.