He shrugs. “It started out that way, but once I got to know you... the rest was easy and I found myself really liking you.”
Okay. At least, part of it was real. “Then why accuse Zane of trying to steal me from you when it was the other way around?”
“Why not?”
Why not, indeed. “Your mother taught you well, Ryker.”
“Yeah, she’s great.”
“Is she?” He can’t possibly miss my sarcasm.
“The best.” Yep, he does.
“She’s certainly loyal to her son.” That’s the only nice thing I can say about Freddy.
“Yes, she is. By the way, this, today, never happened. If you tell anyone, I’ll deny it.”
“I wouldn’t want anyone to know you did something good.”
Wow. Humor and Ryker—it’s worse than I thought.
I can tell he’s ready to make his exit. “Ryker, wait. One more question. I really need to know. Is Zane the bad guy?”
He places his hands in his pockets and cocks his head to one side. “Do you really like him?”
“Yes, I do.”
I splay my good hand. “Lots of reasons you wouldn’t understand.”
He breathes in and out deeply. “Okay, whatever.”
“Is he the bad guy?” I ask again.
“Of course he is. Always has been. He’s the bane of my existence.”
“But is he really the bad guy? Tell me the truth.”
His lips smirk as he mulls it over. “Yes,” he says with raised shoulders. “See you tomorrow morning.”
Without further explanation, he grants me a nod, turns and leaves.
chapter thirty-two
IT FEELS GOODto be dressed. I guess I’m still human after all. I’m wearing a black pencil skirt, a white silky top, and a light sweater. I normally wear a button-up blouse with my skirt, but I couldn’t button the buttons. I tried to accessorize with a necklace, earrings, and bracelets, but I couldn’t manage the clasps. At least I tried. Yay, me. This is my attempt to join the world of the living. I have one foot in the Great Big Dark and one foot in the world. I don’t know which way I will step next. I’m teetering.
I meet up with Ryker in the law office foyer.
“Well, look at you. I knew the real Mila was buried under there somewhere,” Ryker says when he sees me. “Huge improvement.”
“Yesterday didn’t happen, remember? Therefore, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Ryker gives me a quick hug and pats my back. “Oh yeah. Forget I said anything.”