“I get it. So, you want me to take care of your dog while you finish your business trip in Japan?” The gall.
“No, I won’t be returning to Japan. I’m sending another employee in my place. As for Artie, I’d like to give him to you, that is, if you want him. To be honest, we’ve never really bonded. You seem to love him, and he adores you. I know you’d be a good home for him.”
Tears prick at my eyes. “Yes,” I say right away. “Yes, I would love to have him.” He’ll be my very own little ray of sunshine. I understand why hospitals allow visits from therapy pets. They make a difference to a patient’s mental health. I need that right now, more than anyone realizes.
I nuzzle Artie’s head with my chin, love burgeoning inside me. Me, Artie, and Zane, we’re a trio. But the third leg of our stool is missing. And I’m falling over without him. I miss him desperately.
I study Ryker. There’s something different about him and I can’t quite figure out what it is. One thing I know for sure, his demeanor is strangely downcast.
“Can I speak with you?” he asks.
My mind races as I try to make sense of this visit. I can’t handle any more drama. I’m struggling to keep my head above water.
“Why? So you can destroy more of my dreams?” Am I talking about Zane or the piano? I don’t think he knows. Neither do I.
He shifts uncomfortably. Do I detect a bit of guilt? I’m sure it’s a new emotion for him. “No, it’s something else. It’s important.”
He brought Artie to me, so I guess I can at least speak to him for a few. “Yeah, okay. For a minute. I’msuperbusy.”
If he detects my blatant sarcasm, he doesn’t let on.
I unlock the door to the new place I call home. I call it my palace. It’s a standard one-bedroom apartment. Nothing special. But I’m on my own again and free of any obligations to Ryker. That alone makes it the most wonderful palace in the world.
Shortly after I was released from the hospital, I enlisted my brother to go to Ryker’s penthouse to gather my belongings. My father found me this apartment and rented it on a month-to-month basis. They moved all my stuff in, organized it for me, and here I am. My baby grand is still at Ryker’s penthouse. I don’t want it here. I couldn’t bear to see it every day.
My family wanted me to return home with them to Twin Falls to take some time to regroup and figure out what to do next.
But I have unfinished business here in San Francisco.
The unfinished business is Zane.
They understood. I knew they were disappointed, but they supported me anyway.
The thing is, I didn’t tell them what had happened. I couldn’t bring myself to talk about it. I didn’t want to shed a bad light on Zane or give my family a reason to dislike him. Hence, Mom thinks I have Zane, the man I’m crazy about, to look after me.
I’m not positive that’s true anymore. His silence says so much. It makes me wonder if everything is still okay between us.
I regret not spilling my guts to her and asking for her advice. I usually tell her everything. But I’m dealing with too much right now. It’s overwhelming.
I know staying here is a risk. But I must know if there’s anything real between me and Zane. I can’t leave until I get my answer. Believe me, I’m already questioning the wisdom of my decision. After all, he’s the only thing keeping me here now.
“This is quaint,” Ryker says.
Translation: This sucks.
“It’s horrible. Just say it.” Especially compared to his luxurious penthouse.
“No, that’s not what I meant. It’s...” He pauses. “Okay, yeah, it’s horrible.”
“Did that hurt terribly?’
“Did what hurt?”
“Telling the truth.”
“Mmm, it’s not so bad. Not my usual style, though.”
I think we finally understand each other, Ryker and I.