His choice of vehicle is as casual as his choice of clothing. He drives an older Jeep, the top unattached. I climb in and find it rustic in a charming way. It’s not terribly neat, but it’s not filthy either. My mom’s motto was, “Clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be happy.” That describes Zane’s Jeep. I put my long hair into a quick braid to keep it from becoming a snarly mess during the drive. Zane flips on his music and it’s too loud, but once we’re driving in the open Jeep with the rushing wind, it’s perfect.
I close my eyes, letting the wind hit my face and the music envelop me. I feel myself relax and de-stress after the busy week I’ve had.
All too soon, we’re in front of the Martel mansion.
Zane checks the time on his phone. “Six-twenty. Perfect timing.”
I suppress a smile right along with him. “We’re horrible people.”
“If we’re horrible, Debra’s a monster.”
“It had to be said.”
“Mila, I want you on my team,” Zane says with a laugh.
We approach the door and I love the two-against-one feeling. It’s the most confident I’ve ever felt when facing Freddy. I follow Zane’s lead to see if we ring the doorbell or just enter.
He rings the doorbell. But Ryker does too when he visits.
If I’m visiting my parents, I always enter without even knocking. They’re always happy to see me barge in.
Visiting Debra is a different beast.
Speaking of beasts, Debra answers the door and grants us her “baring her teeth” smile. It makes me shiver.
“Oh, I didn’t know you’d be arriving together. How sweet.” She glances at her watch with dramatic flair.
“We’re coming from the same place. Seemed easier,” Zane says.
“Too bad it couldn’t have been sooner.”
“Didn’t you say six-thirty?” he asks innocently.
What a stinker. Yet, I’m enjoying every minute.
“No, Zane, I said six and you know it,” Debra says, her face sour.
He doesn’t apologize. He doesn’t get a hug or any air kisses either. She simply looks down her nose at him as though he’s something disgusting. “So glad you’re home, Zane. Your father will so be pleased.”
Her words are not believable. At all. I’m rethinking the authenticity of every single one of her compliments.
I get one air kiss. “Mila, so good to see you, dear.”
I doubt that very much.
Zane folds his arms, looking uncomfortable. I can’t say he necessarily looks sad to the average onlooker. But to me, he looks troubled. I think his humor covers up a world of hurt. It makes me feel a flash of pure hatred toward this woman who has rejected Zane so fully during his lifetime. How do you reject an innocent baby?
“Ryker says he misses you terribly, Mila.”
“I miss him too.” It’s the truth. I miss what we had.
“I know how hard it must be for you two lovebirds to be separated. You must be pining for each other. Don’t worry, you’ll be back in each other’s arms soon.”
I nod because I don’t know what to say to that. I know she’s not thrilled about Ryker dating me. I feel like she’s making comments about us only for Zane’s benefit, like she feels the need to mark Ryker’s territory for him.
My thoughts are confirmed when she directs her next comment to Zane. “Those two. They can’t keep their hands off each other. It’s quite adorable.”
Not true. Ryker is not big on PDA. In public or private.