Page 19 of Heart Thief

Zane laughs again. I don’t join him.I’m not Ryker’s type.A disturbing thought, and yet, I think I already knew it.

“Judging by your short nails, I’d say you’re a pianist.”

“What makes you say that?”

“That monstrosity over there in the corner does not belong to Ryker and he can’t hold a tune if his life depended on it. It must be yours.”

“Yes, it is.” Good deductive skills. Or maybe it’s obvious.

“All right, Miss Mila. Let’s talk this out. What’s the deal? Can I stay here? I promise you won’t even notice I’m here. In spite of what you’ve more than likely heard about me, I’m not a serial killer and I won’t rob you or attack you in your sleep. So, you can stop hugging the door and relax.”

“I’m not...” Yeah, I am. I’m standing by the front door, ready to flee at the first sign of danger.

“Yes, you are.”

He takes one step toward me and I instinctively back up, pressing against the door even harder.

“I rest my case,” he says, his eyes locked with mine.

I feel like a wimp, so I take one step into the room, just to show him who’s boss. I don’t fool anyone. “Sorry, you’re a stranger to me. And Ryker said...”

“Ryker said what?”

Not to trust him. But I won’t say that out loud. “Like I said, that you wouldn’t show up, that you were overseas. I didn’t expect this.”

“True. I was stationed at Baumholder Army Base in Germany, but my assignment has changed. I’m no longer deployed overseas. I wanted to be close to my father, so I did some finagling. Lucky me, my new assignment is right here in good old Fog City. I’m home to stay. I’m sure my family will bethrilled. I’ll get myself a place to stay and be out of your hair in no time.”

“Deployed? Are you military?” I was led to believe he was an irresponsible bum who traipsed the world at his whim. He’s actually employed? Debra and Ryker left out a few important details when talking about Zane.

“Yes, Army. I now command the 108th Ordnance Detachment, EOD. We can be set up anywhere in the world where there’s a need. Currently we’re in a run-down abandoned fire station on the old presidio. My new office. I take over in a week.”


“Explosive Ordnance Disposal. The Army’s bomb squad.”

“That sounds dangerous.”

“Not if you know what you’re doing.” He sighs. “Look, Mila, I’ll leave and get myself a hotel. This isn’t going to work. I’m clearly making you uncomfortable and I don’t mean to. I’m sorry I scared you, I really am.”

He looks at me directly, his eyes clear and bright. Honestly, he seems like a really nice, pleasant guy. He’s given me no reason to fear him. Not one.

Ryker mentioned he made a good first impression. I would agree. Therefore, I should be wary, keep my guard up.

He goes on before I can respond. “Ryker gave me a key, said I was welcome anytime. I had no idea he was out of town already or that you were staying here.”

He rakes one hand through his short hair, his biceps bulging. They have no manners either and have never learned not to stare.

He nods, his decision made. “I’ll leave. It’s for the best.”

He sets Arthur down and kneels next to his suitcases. He gathers up his things and stuffs them inside his luggage. Soon the metallic sound of a zipper echoes through the space.

Arthur looks at me with sad eyes and whines like he’s distressed. He’s a good judge of character and very particular about who touches him or holds him. Zane can’t be all bad.

But I’m not about to decide whether or not to let a man stay here because of a dog’s preferences.

Ryker said he likes to keep his enemy close. That’s why he lets Zane live in his home. Perhaps keeping Zane here would be what Ryker would want. I should at least let Zane stay here until I speak with Ryker about the situation. Besides, this is his brother. His family.

“Wait,” I say. “It’s not my decision to make. This is your brother’s home, not mine.”