“I… I see.” I purse my lips for a moment, before taking a bite of some chicken nugget. Chewing slowly, I tune myself out of the conversation and stare at my phone. I smile inwardly at the wallpaper. It’s my favorite picture of me and Abbie when we were fourteen. Our arms are linked around each other’s shoulders and we’re posing with identical smiles at the beach. Two beautiful best friends, I remember my mom saying with admiration as she took the picture. A pang of guilt washes over me and I look away from the phone.

I should call her tonight. It's been three days since she left town and I haven't gotten feedback. I hope she's okay.

Trevor’s loud chewing brings me back to reality. “Do you know why they leave me? They’re crazy, that’s why! All my exes. They wanted to put me down. Oh, but they just wait. I’ll become the richest man in New York, and I’ll show them!”

Oh, God. And his exes are the crazy ones?

“Wait, I’ve been talking about myself all night. Tell me about yourself. Do you have a job?” He leans forward, and I cringe inwardly. His lips are greasy and his mouth is full of salad. He’s talking with his mouth full.

Somebody save me.

“Um, I work in an office—”

“Oh! That reminds me of the time I went for an interview in this fancy office.” He points at me with his fork. “Now, I had to wear wet clothes, because I took my clothes to the dry cleaners’ late, and…”

On, and on, and on…

I stifle a groan, keeping a smile plastered on my face. If he wasn’t going to let me talk, then why ask me anything in the first place? God, I’d do anything to leave right this minute.

Soon, we’re done with our meals. The waiter comes with the bill. He glances at the both of us, and Trevor gazes at me with that same grin on his face.

Wait. Is he expectingmeto pay the bill?

The waiter clears his throat. “Excuse me, but who’s paying?”

Trevor doesn’t say a word. He keeps his eyes on me.

“Um, I have to go now. I have work tomorrow. It was nice talking with you.”That’s as big a lie as they come.“Also, you have some grease on your… lips.”

He cleans his oily lips with a napkin, then places his hand over mine. I withdraw my hand and jerk back.

“I’ll let you know something today, uh … Maddy. You see, societywantsus to be divided. This is what they want. But I say no. We will not be subject to the whims of a repressive society. I’ll go with you tonight, and we’ll be united in spirit and body! Also, I’ll need you to get the bill. There should be equality.”

What the fuck? This weirdo invited me on a date, and I can’t leave without him following me?

So much for trying to find the right one.

“Look, Trevor, it’s Noelle. And I need to get some things done before tomorrow. But I’ll see you another time, so don’t worry. I’ll message you later.”

As if. I’m blocking your sorry ass.

“I insist, Nelly. We have to stick together.”

The waiter presses his lips together. He takes a deep breath.

“Someone’s gotta pay the thirty-five dollars and ten cents, sir. Ma’am. Who’s it gonna be?”

I drum my fingers on the table. Trevor isn’t budging.

“My God, itisyou!”

My breath lodges in my throat as I catch a glimpse of the new person. Tall and long-limbed with broad shoulders, he walks over to our table and smiles at me. His silvery-gray hair is combed back, revealing a face featuring clear, blue eyes and high-sculptured cheekbones. His turtleneck sweater and slacks look tailored to a perfect fit, hugging his broad shoulders. He is a sight for sore eyes.

“Don’t you remember me? I’m Dr. Hazel. How’s that rash going? Oh my, I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t say it out loud.”

My brows crease. My doctor?

That’s when I catch a slight wink from the striking, middle-aged man. He’s trying to help me out.