“Let’s get real, Thee. Why the fuck are we here? In this god forsaken hot as fuck mountain with mosquitos nipping at our ankles?”
I sighed, not even knowing the answer myself. It was impossible to describe. I didn’t know what made me click the listing for the bar. Wasn’t sure what drew me to buy a tiny home, what possessed me to choose Shadow Cove. I didn’t think I even chose it. I felt like it chose me. Something deep inside of me, beyond the aching of my bones screamed at me. It pushed me here.
I was here because it’s what my dad would have wanted.
“I needed a fresh start.” My voice cracked, and I swallowed.
Chrissy sighed as she dropped to her back and gazed up at the stars. “I needed one too. I’m glad we’re here. I just don’t want you fucking it up, you know? And keeping secrets isn’t cool.”
I shrugged, the familiar buzzing of my phone going off. I reached for its place in the grass beside me.
“Who’s calling you this late?” Chrissy asked.
“Kyle,” I said, hitting the green button and bringing it to my ear. “Hello?”
“Thea.” Kyle’s drunk slur could be heard clearly over the phone. Only a single word sentence—my name—and I knew just by the lisp that he shouldn’t be speaking on the phone with me right now.
That wasn’t even the least of my worries though. “Where’s Paisley?”
“Always worried about Paisley.” His disgust met me through the line, even though we were in different states. “What about me, Thea? What about us?”
“There is no us, Kyle. It’s been over for a long time. Have you been drinking?”
“Don’t worry, Thea. Paisley’s asleep and at home. My brother’s watching her.”
“Your brother?” My lips pursed, the scowl planted on my face was second nature whenever it came to this asshole. “Shouldn’t you be with her?”
“She’s fine, Thea.”
With each slur of his words, I wanted to climb through the phone and strangle him. How could he be out partying when he only had so much time with Paisley? And he was calling me to argue?
“How the fuck would you know? You’re too far gone. Did you even put her to sleep before you left her with your brother?”
I jumped from the ground, ready to grab the keys and make the three hour drive. The only thing stopping me was my own intoxicated state. I’d had a few too many glasses of wine. Though, mine wasn’t irresponsible. I was home, childfree, and only had some wine.
Kyle chose to leave his daughter, the same daughter he was always complaining I took from him. That I never let him see her.
I paced the length of the patio, trying not to scream while my hand squeezed around the phone. “Answer the fucking question, Kyle.” I growled, forcing authority into my tone.
I was never great at standing up to him. I always let him push me around, let him treat me like shit. But the second I learned to put Paisley first, I’d gotten better at it. And now, states away from him? I could fucking do it. No problem.
“No, Thea. I called to tell you to stop calling Paisley so much. It makes her sad and then she’s a brat for the rest of the day. It’s exhausting dealing with her bullshit. And it's your fault. You give into her.”
“Give in to her?” I scoffed, my head shaking back and forth with disbelief so fast that I was worried it would come unhinged. “It’s called being a parent, asshole. Learn to fucking be one. I’m going to be there in the morning to come and get her.”
“Like hell you are. I’ll take your ass to court so fucking fast. One fuck up, Thea. That’s all it takes for me to get full custody.”
My entire body stiffened. “You’re threatening me?” I hissed through clenched teeth. “You broke into my home, Kyle. Threw a rock at my window. Slashed my tires. Let me make myself clear. I am done feeling scared. You will get your ass in gear to be a god damned father. The only person you’re hurting here is your daughter, Kyle. Your own flesh and blood.”
I hung up the phone as he rattled off a slew of curses.
Chrissy clapped slowly, the echo bouncing off the mountain walls. It created an effect that made it seem like she was in a crowd.
“Holy shit. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so aggressive. Who the hell are you, and what have you done with my best friend?”
I rolled my shoulders, then wiggled my fingers to shake out the resentment stewing inside of me. I was still Thea, except somewhere between the day I left North Carolina and I grew a backbone. I knew that it had something to do with the men I had allowed in my life.
The constant praise and affirmation they gave me. And even Calder had grown into a safe place. He was a punching bag for me, someone who didn’t hit back when I lashed out. He may have been a complete douchebag, but the difference between Calder and Kyle was night and day.