Page 8 of Before Summer Ends

“So I can be chopped into tiny little pieces and dumped off the side of a cliff? No thanks.” I snorted as I pulled into the parking lot of the grocery store.

“No. So you can get laid.” There was more background noise on her end, and I was pretty sure she put me on speakerphone.

“Meeting strangers on the internet for sex is literally the premise of Dateline. That show has scarred me. No way I’m hooking up with a dude only to find out he’s a serial killer when it’s too late.” I cut the engine to the car.

“Dating is always risky, sure. You have to take precautions. Like always meeting in public, bringing some pepper spray, and Facebook stalking the shit out of him.”

I rested my arms on the steering wheel. “I don’t know. I have Paisley to think about.”

“You live in a town of population five. How are you going to get your bone on while you’re alone?” Chrissy was exaggerating. Shadow Cove was a quaint town with a low population of locals. But it was summer, after all. Which meant there had to be a hotspot location to meet tourists.

“I don’t know. But I’m not sure I want to try the dating app thing. Maybe I’ll check out a bar in the next town over or something. Scope it out for competition and to see what guys are over there.”

I could almost hear Chrissy rolling her eyes. “I’m making you an online profile.”

I laughed, climbing out of the Stingray. The Georgia heat practically melted me to the pavement, but I pushed through. I grabbed a cart while Chrissy continued to explain the benefits of a dating app.

“I don’t think I want anything serious right now, Chrissy,” I said, tossing some fresh produce into my cart. “I don’t think a dating app is for me. Honestly? I think it’s a good time for me to get out there and explore. I think I’m going to hold off on the whole dating one guy thing for like ever.”

I pushed the cart, an audible gasp in my ear. “What on Earth? Take advantage of this kid-free time, Thea!”

“Exactly.” I grabbed a bag of salad mix and tossed it into my cart. I couldn’t wait for it to join all the other produce in my cart, only to be forgotten about and rot away in the fridge.

I pushed the cart down another aisle. “Why should I put myself in a committed relationship with one man? I tried that, Chrissy. It’s torture. Meanwhile, Kyle was convincing me to let him have threesomes with other women.”

I paused, stretching to grab a bag of rice. “It’s my turn. I’m going to take a page out of one of fuckhead’s books. I’m getting myself a group of men. And they’re all going to treat me a thousand times better than dickhead ever did.”

I continued to load up my cart with various items. The dead air coming from Chrissy on the other end of the line was actually peaceful. I shocked her into silence, which was a feat I didn’t think I could ever have managed.

I continued my reasonings, rounding the end of the aisle to head into another. “And the thing is, that doesn’t exist in real life. Unicorn men certainly don’t travel in packs, promising themselves to one woman. Especially not one with the baggage I have. So my vibrator and some erotica will do. And then when I’m old and gray, I can collect a harem of cats instead.”

Chrissy snorted. “You know, I bet there are slim pickings in the mountains of Georgia when it comes to the women. Wonder if you could find yourself a group of brothers that are willing to share.”

I giggled, my head thrown back as the laugh built in my belly. “Southern brother gangbang? Yeah, something tells me that Georgia is more conservative than Pennsylvania. I don’t think I’ve even passed a strip club yet. I think my sex life is going to be just as dull here as it was in Raleigh.”

I continued my mindless shopping, filling my cart. My hand reached for a carton of orange juice, and I stopped when I remembered Paisley wouldn’t be here to enjoy it in the morning. Fuck, this was hard. I placed it back on the refrigerated shelf, then sniffled away the tears before they could fall. Chrissy was right, I needed to keep myself occupied this summer. Maybe the dating profile could work. I could use it for a hookup or two.

“Changed your mind?” A deep voice sounded behind me.

My head whipped toward the sound. A man with long, black hair pulled into a loose bun and a clean-shaven face smiled at me. He was putting his own carton of juice into his shopping cart. He smiled at me, a dimple showing on his cheek, and I almost melted. The smile met his eyes, a flirty sparkle in them as he leaned his forearms against the handle of his shopping cart. He was wearing a green t-shirt, loose around his torso but tight around his biceps, and gray basketball shorts.

My body reacted to the sight, a tingling shooting through me. Fuck. Three times in one day? What the fuck do they feed the people in this town? I really needed to get laid if all it was taking was a grump admiring my car and a stranger to flash me a smile in the refrigerated section of the grocery store.

“Thea? Are you there? What’s going on?” Chrissy’s voice sounded in my ears.

I swallowed. Oh god. Had he heard my conversation? The one where I admitted out loud in the grocery store I wanted to have a group fuck sesh? Christ, what was wrong with me?

I cleared my throat. Fuck, what was I going to tell him? My flirting game was horrible. Did I even flirt or apologize for subjecting him to my gross jokes?

“Gotta go,” I whispered, yanking out my buds and shoving them into the pockets of my shorts.

Chapter Five


I couldn’t stop the grin, watching this pretty girl stand before me. Her cheeks were a shade of tomato red. I’d caught her on the phone red handed, spouting dirty things about threesomes and having fun this summer from her pouty red lips.

She had a sweet innocence to her that Calder would enjoy, while her soft smile would have Hendrix wrapped around her finger. For me, it was the dimples on full display when she smiled. Her voice already sent my dick into a whirlwind, the way she spoke in soft even tones on the phone.