“Oonf.” I groaned, my nose bumping against his chest. The neon colored papers I was carrying scattered everywhere. “Oh god. No.”
The man laughed as I bent down, desperately trying to catch the flying papers. He stepped on a few, leaning to grab them for me. “Are you okay?”
I took them from his outstretched hand, forming a pile. “God, I’m so sorry.”
“No. I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there. I was busy on my phone.”
“I was the one just standing here. I basically asked for it,” I said.
When everything was collected, we stood. He made eye contact with me. Then he grinned, his gaze roaming my body. He was undressing me, and he clearly liked what he saw, as he came back up to the top and held out his hand.
“Tucker,” he said. “Are you new in town, sweetheart?”
I nodded, accepting the handshake. “Yes, sir. It’s nice to meet you. I bought the bar next door.” I hitched a thumb over my shoulder, smiling brightly.
Enter my first victim. I’m about to sell the shit out of this guy. I square my shoulders, confident it will work. His gaze immediately drops to the low cut v line of my tee. Hell, yeah. Come to momma.
“That’s actually what I’m doing over here. Came to bring Shane some flyers to hand out to customers. Our grand opening is next week. You should try and make it out. We’re going to have prizes and games on the deck.” I hand him a bright blue paper.
He takes it, inspects it, then folds it and slips it into the inside of his suit jacket. “Hmm. If I’m around, I’ll stop in, Thea. Nice to meet you.”
“Yeah, likewise. I hope to see you around.”
Tucker sauntered off, clicking the key fob to unlock his car. And I was left to head inside to greet Mr. Grumpy Pants. I blew out a heavy breath, the air pushing my bangs away, then stepped inside through the customer’s entrance.
I was used to entering through the open garage. The bell chiming to indicate my arrival was a shock, and I jumped in my skin. I clutched the papers close to me, not wanting another incident like what happened outside.
Shane looked up from behind the clerk's desk, his chestnut shaggy hair falling over his eyes. My heart stopped. Parker and Hendrix were handsome of their own accord. Young and boyish, with silly little shit-eating grins always plastered. But Shane was all man. Rugged and handsome, and god, his smile.
He was comfortable to be around. Quiet, yet still a smartass. I wouldn’t quite call him a grump the way that Calder was. Shane just didn’t speak unless something needed to be addressed. But when he did, his voice was rough and rumbly, and I drank his words like a gold glass of lemonade in the humidity after a long day of working outside.
“What, did you get lost?” Shane asked, raising a brow as he watched me. “Never seen you come in this way before.”
I shook my head. “No. I saw a customer come out, so figured you were over here.”
“What’s up? Still can’t find a new alternator?”
“Nope. I’ve been looking everywhere. But that’s not why I’m here.” I waved my flyers in the air. “I’ve got some flyers for the bar opening next week. Can I leave some here for your customers?”
Shane held out his hand, and I slid one of the green pages to him. It was Chrissy’s idea to have an array of bright colors. I thought it wasn’t worth the extra money, but in the end, she won out. He read over the sheet, then nodded.
“Yeah, hang one up on the board, and I’ll put some on the counter.”
“Thank you,” I said, hopping over to the corkboard by a row of metal chairs. “Can you make it? To the opening?” I called over my shoulder as I tacked up the ad.
“I’m sure I’ll be hungry enough to grab a bite after I close up.”
I flicked the loose strands of hair to one shoulder, then turned back to him. He was setting a stack underneath a rock. “Will you bring anyone?”
“I’m sure the guys will already be there, supporting you.” His tone held nothing. No sign that he cared.
Did he know Parker and Hendrix were both with me? He had to, if they were as close as they said. The boys never did public displays of affection with each other, but when it was only the three of us, they held hands, or pressed kisses against each other. They didn’t hide what they were in front of me, or Calder, for that matter.
Was Shane maybe gay? Did he have a girlfriend or a boyfriend? And why did my chest tighten at the thought of him being with someone? I was greedy enough, hogging my guys, and lusting after Calder. I didn’t need to add Shane into the mix.
“I meant like a significant other.”
“Nope. Just me.” He turned to a folder, picking it up. “I have to get back to work.”