Page 48 of Before Summer Ends

“He was a greedy lover.” I whispered, my hands sliding up her sweatshirt, gliding against the warmth of her skin. “You don’t have to worry about that with us.”

“He’s right, nabi.”

Parker was in front of us now, his back facing me as he fanned out the blanket and dropped it onto the grass. “Show’s starting.”

Thea shrieked in excitement. She climbed off my lap, then hurried beside Parker. My chest swelled, watching her curl into his side. I only prayed we could get her to admit she wanted more from us, too.

Chapter Twenty-Four


“Fuck.” Chrissy’s groan of frustration pulled me from the deep sleep I’d cultivated.

I grumbled, pulling the pillow over my head. “What time is it?”

“I don’t fucking know. I just fucking—fuck—dropped a pot on my toe. Fuck.”

“You okay?” I asked, sitting up. I had left the bedroom door open last night, stumbling into the house. I didn’t even have the energy to get dressed in pajamas after I showered and dropped onto the mattress. The boys had kept me and Chrissy out too late, celebrating the last renovations of the bar finishing.

“How are you awake right now?” I asked, reaching for the silk robe hanging from a hook and sliding it on.

I climbed out of bed and stumbled into the main living space. She turned to me, the culprit in her hand. She was glaring, clearly not as put together as I originally thought. “I’m hung over, Thee. And there’s no McDonald’s around to have delivered. I have to make our breakfast hangover cure sandwiches myself. Don’t talk to me right now. Not until the grease has soaked up the remnants of alcohol still inside my gut.”

Her hair was disheveled, last night’s makeup still on and smeared. She was also still in the black dress she wore yesterday. She must have passed out before I got out of the shower.

My head pounded from dehydration and the toxins my liver was trying to purge. I walked around her for the fridge and grabbed myself a bottle of coconut water. “God, why did we drink so much?” I groaned.

Chrissy shook her head, turning on the stove. “I don’t know, but if I never drink again, it’ll be too soon.”

I rubbed my temple. “Coffee,” I said in a drawn out zombie voice.

“I figured we’d grab some on the way to the printing store. We have like a million flyers to hand out today.”

I grumbled, gulping down my water. “That’s today. Shit.”

“Grand Opening is next week, honey. Gotta get the excitement up. I fixed up our website, got us going on social media. Ten random people that share our post get a free basket of fries with their first drink.”

“Nice,” I said, nodding my head appreciatively. “Maybe open it up to fifty. I feel like the more people we get in there, the more they’ll spread the word. Everyone loves free shit.”

“Sure. It’s not like it costs much to make fries. We just need to make sure we have enough inventory so we don’t run out.”

“Got it. I’ll put an order in tomorrow.”

“Are your hunks available to help us get these flyers out? They can flash their sweet smiles to all the old ladies and get them in. We could even have a wet t-shirt contest. Make them the contestants.”

“You’re insane.” I shook my head, heading back to my room.

“No. You are. Hogging all of those hot guys. I want one of them.”

“Mine.” I grinned, closing the door this time.

A cold shower, a greasy sandwich in my stomach, three cups of coffee, and four hours later, I stood in front of the car shop, a pile of flyers in hand. Shane’s shop was the first place I went. I figured, start close to home, right?

The shop is crazy busy today. Two customers were leaving as I pulled up, and three more parked at the same time. I guess it’s that time of year? Is there a time of year to bring your vehicle in for maintenance?

I chewed on my lip, not wanting to go in until the last customer leaves. I was too prideful to ask Shane in front of a stranger and have him laugh in my face, so I waited until there was only one customer left inside.

I stared at the door as it flung open. A tall man in a black business suit stepped out, dropping his shades over his eyes. He had gray hair and was clean shaven. His gaze dropped to the phone in his hand, and he stumbled right into me.