Page 29 of Before Summer Ends

I poked my head into the garage where he was holding a large piece of paper that was rolled into a tube. It was blueprints to the Nelson Cabin that resided at the peak of a mountain and about forty-five minutes from where we were.

He waved them at me, and I pushed off the frame of the garage door to head back inside. Only after I stole one last glimpse of Thea completely soaked and tongue fucking the shit out of Hendrix.

I growled, shaking my head. “You see those three out there?”

Shane shrugged. “Yup.”

“Doesn’t bother you?” I gave him a pointed look. I’d caught him eying Thea a few times already. Licking his lips while his gaze settled on her chest, or adjusting himself whenever he thought I wasn’t paying attention.

He was attracted to her, just like the rest of us. Though, he wouldn’t act on it because he was the type for monogamy. Thea already made it clear she was into what those two nutjobs were giving her.

“Why would it bother me?” he asked, his tone raised enough to tell me that he was in fact bothered.

I smirked. “Little vixen’s got you wrapped around her finger too, then?”

He sighed, shaking his head. Then he turned to make eye contact with me. “She’s too young for me. But of course. She’s attractive, funny, and into classic cars. If I didn’t find that hot…” He glanced around the shop, then settled back on me. “I’d be insane, wouldn’t I? But no. She doesn’t have me wrapped around anything.”

Shane pointed outside to where they were. “As far as those two go, it’s good for them to get their minds off the shit we’re doing now and then. They just better hope she doesn’t become a liability.”

I cocked my head to the side. “Liability?”

Shane nodded. “God forbid we’re ever made, who do you think they’re going after first?”

I sucked in a breath. As much as I was trying to stay away from Thea, I didn’t want something to happen to her because of what we were doing. No innocents. It was a big reason why I hated anything more than a quick hook up with a stranger.

“Let’s go find a way into this cabin and how we can break the safe,” Shane said, heading into his office.

I followed, my arms still crossed. He lifted up the hatch in the ground behind his desk, and together we walked down the steps to the comms room. I made sure to shut the hatch behind us. It was a tight squeeze in here, made to just barely fit the four of us at all times, and we needed a bigger space.

We needed something for more than just the computers and a few guns that were down here. I’d have liked a safe house somewhere too, but we hadn’t gotten that far yet.

Shane pulled out a foldable table and set it up. Then, he unrolled the blueprints. We sat together trying to find a way in. There was no basement or crawlspace in the cabin, despite its large size. We’d have to walk in as guests through the front door if we didn’t want to be noticed.

“He usually has the end of summer party,” I said. “We can force our way onto the guest list or pose as staff.”

Shane sat, staring, one arm crossed, the other supporting his chin while he contemplated our plan. “That’s five weeks from now. Could work. You and Parker should be able to establish a relationship with him since you bailed him out with his car. Hendrix and I can get on the roster as catering staff.”

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. I hated making friends, playing nice, and being the one people talked to. Instantly, I regretted giving Shane the idea of infiltrating the house with a large crowd of people there in the middle of a party.

“Don’t you have access to everything remotely?” I asked. “We can wait until he closes up for the season, set the cameras on a loop, and get in with the passcodes we have access to. If we’re waiting five weeks, what’s another two more?”

Shane turned to look at me, his eyes glazed over. He always got like this when we were close to finishing off a target. Like the satisfaction he got by ending someone so horrible was too much for him to handle. That there was guilt there, even if he enjoyed what we were doing to these horrible people. There was sadness there, too. And I knew he was hiding something he hadn’t told us yet.

Shane stared past me, letting silence fill the air. “He’s been moving up his timeline. We might only have five weeks. I think waiting seven could be too long, when you factor in how long it’s going to take to expose him after we have evidence.”

His jaw clenched. “I’m close to cracking High Ground. And the money leads to Nelson, we need whatever he’s got locked up in there.”

I scrubbed a hand over my face. “What if Parker and I can get him out of town for a few hours? You and Hendrix can get in and out before he’s back?”

Shane bit his lip, nodding. “Yeah. That could work.”

“Do you even know what’s in that safe?” I asked.

He nodded. “Names, money, weapons. Evidence of the shit he’s doing.”

“Fine. We’ll plan a run in with the asshole, while Hendrix goes in, and you can be his get away.”

“Let’s figure out when he’ll be back again, then start running through the plan.” Shane rolled up the blueprints, then headed for the stairs. “And Calder?”