Little curses fluttered into the truck. What the fuck? Reaching in the dash for a flashlight, I poked my head out trying to figure out where they were coming from.
“Fuck you, Dad. For giving me this shit. I didn’t fucking want it!”
It was coming from ahead on the dirt road. I pinched the bridge of my nose, preparing myself to deal with whatever was waiting for me down the way.
“I’ve got a hiccup,” I said, then climbed out of the truck.
I walked about a hundred yards before I caught sight of the Stingray and its driver. The little vixen from the night before. The one I’d gotten into a stare down with just a few hours ago.
She was distraught, tears sliding down her face as she screamed curses and kicked at her car. She was fierce in her fight with the inanimate object, giving it all of her rage. The tears seemed to be a mixture of anger and sadness. I didn’t think they were from the frustration of being stranded.
“What’s the problem?” I asked.
Her head jerked toward me, wild eyes staring as she stepped back. She processed, contemplating her situation before deciding I wasn’t a threat. I grinned inwardly.That was a big fucking mistake. I’d be the biggest threat she’d ever face.
The vixen closed her eyes, focusing on evening out her panted breaths. My gaze fell to her chest, to the way it rose with each inhale, the way the flesh in her face turned a shade of pink.
“My car,” she said, turning back to it.
She clenched her hands into tiny balls of fists, the rage coming back. “Is going to the junkyard! Do you hear me, Stella!”
She growled, a deep rumble in her chest as she moved to make an attack. “You’re dead meat. Going to be chopped up for your pieces. Such a fucking shame when you’re a classic. I hope it's slow and painful.”
“What the fuck is happening over there?” Shane asked, as if I could fucking respond without looking like a crazed person talking to his ghosts.
“Thea,” I said, showing my palms to make myself seem less of a threat. I needed to defuse this situation so I could get back on track. “Stop cursing at your car. It doesn’t understand what you’re saying.”
Her gaze snapped to me, and my heart skipped when her top lip curved into a snarl. I always did love the heat of anger a woman could get. The feistiness of a wise tongue that I’d inevitably fuck into submission. That was my thing, taming the wild in someone like her.
“Fuck off, asshole. I’m handling it myself. Go about your day and leave me alone,” she said.
“Handling it yourself?” I gave her a pointed look. “Looks to me like you’re in the pitch dark of night alone with a broken down vehicle. My guess is you’ve got no cell service, too. Please, enlighten me on your plan to get out of this yourself.”
She stuck her nose up in the air. “I am going to abusively yell at her until she’s shivering in her boots. Then I’ll stroke her hood and tell her I’m sorry and beg her to open up for me.” She rounded the car, and popped the hood while I tried not to chuckle.
“Get her the fuck out of there,” Parker hissed.
Trying to, dickhead.
“The alternator’s fucked. Give her a jump and see if you can get some juice to the battery,” Shane said, offering me the bit of information I needed but wasn’t getting from Thea.
I tossed a thumb over my shoulder. “Let’s try a jump and see if that helps.”
Her eyes narrowed in on me. “I’ll pass.”
I groaned. “Let me fucking help you so we can be rid of each other.”
I turned, heading back for the truck. Tiny footsteps pitter-pattered behind me. “I don’t need your help.” She yelled, trying to catch up with me.
I reached the bed of the truck, where I had a portable jump starter juiced up for situations like this. Thea wrapped her arms around the device and tugged, trying to get it free from my grip.
I pulled back, causing her to stumble forward. “You should have one of these in your car, little girl. But you don’t. So you’re going to play nice and accept my help with a pretty smile on your face. And after I save your ass, you’re going to thank me politely.”
“I’d rather be left to the wolves.” She growled again, crossing her arms and headed back for her car.
I followed, the jump starter in one hand, flashlight in the other. Baby girl would learn quick that these rude manners won’t stand.
Grinning, I kept my eyes plastered on her ass as she swayed her hips with each sulking step she took.