Page 14 of Before Summer Ends

He was so close to me, I could smell the beer on his breath. And the way he said that word, it was thick, yet smooth. Like he was caressing it. It had to have been a name for me or something, because each time he said it, I felt the way he was looking at me. With heat that burned inside, deep into my very soul.

I gasped, my lips parting, and the word came out in a desperate whisper. “Yes.”

Parker tugged me away from Hendrix’s grip on my neck. I was pressed against his chest, my head forced up as he wrapped his hands around the curls. He was rough, but not in a forceful way. More like he was guiding me toward him. And like a distracted little butterfly drawn to a light post, I forgot where I was. I didn’t think about Hendrix watching as Parker claimed my mouth.

His lips were salty, his tongue covered in the craft beer I’d tasted from the bottle. But drinking it from him, sucking it from his tongue was almost better. Sweeter. I moaned into his mouth, and he caught the sound. The hand in my hair held me in place, while the other wrapped around my waist.

Warmth spread through me, and I whimpered when he finally pulled away. A groan pulled from his chest, where my hands were now resting. It sent a vibration through me, and I struggled to catch my breath. Parker kissed the top of my head, then stepped back.

There was a heated look in his eyes that made the wires in my brain send a message to my pussy. A very wet, desperate message.

“Fuck, Park,” Hendrix said. His voice was thicker, smokier now.

He stepped closer, gripping the back of Parker’s neck, and it sandwiched me between two rock hard chests. “I gotta know what she tastes like,” Hendrix whispered.

“Heaven,” Parker said, the word cracking as it left him. “She tastes like fucking Heaven.”

Funny he chose that comparison, because right now, it felt like I was going to Hell.

Chapter Eight


The car ride home beside Hendrix was fucking torture. We were both hard, and Thea was following us in her car. I wanted to be in there with her, wanted to spend the ride home with my hand buried between her thighs under that short dress, teasing her.

My nabi–my little butterfly–was proving to be more than we could have dreamed of having. She was expressive, listening to us talk intently, and sharing her plans for the bar with hand gestures and excitement that was so pure, so fucking innocent, that I knew I wouldn’t be able to stay away from her.

We’d been in the car for thirty minutes, and it was already too long to be away from her. Especially when I tasted her already. I kissed her like I was a dying man, starved. She returned it. Her mouth was soft, exploring, while mine was desperate and needy.

I adjusted myself, trying to make the aching in my cock at least manageable, while Hendrix pulled into the driveway that led to our house.

The ride had been silent, and I was thankful for that. I didn’t want to argue with him. That would be a turnoff, and all I wanted was to convince Thea that we could give her whatever she needed for the summer.

Hendrix turned off the car. Thea’s headlights flashed in the rearview mirror, then turned off as she cut her engine, too.

“Don’t ruin this for us,” I warned, my hand on the handle of the door. “I swear to fucking god, Hen. I’m fucking this woman with or without you.”

Hendrix inhaled, his fist gripping the steering wheel. “She’s going to destroy us,” he said, staring out of the windshield. Slowly, he turned to face me, his eyes hard, a jaw in his muscle tightening. “We’re going to be ruined before summer ends. And it’s all your fucking fault.”

I swallowed, my throat suddenly dry. I knew he was right, but I didn’t care. “I’m okay with that. I’m okay with all of it, if it means having her at all.”

He nodded, opening his door. “Calder is going to flip his lid when he realizes what we’re doing.”

I climbed out, choosing to ignore Hendrix’s dramatic prophecy. I’d worry about the repercussions later. Right now, I just needed to get Thea naked. Before she was out of her car, Hendrix peered over the hood of ours, glaring at me. “I’m serious. Calder can’t know. If he asks who she was, we met her at the bar.”

“One and done,” I said, holding my hands out in defeat. The words felt dirty leaving my mouth, because they were a lie.

Thea climbed out of the Corvette and approached us. Her smile was bright like the sun, and it lifted the heaviness in my chest. Thea could bring us all exactly what we needed. And maybe I was being hopeful here, or plain fucking dumb. I was including Shane in that too.

“Hey, sweetness,” Hendrix said, the corner of his lips turning into a welcoming smirk. “How was the drive?”

“Not bad,” she said. “I don’t have any service out here, though. I might need your help with directions home later.”

Hendrix stuffed his hands into the pocket of his jeans. “Sure thing. I can help you navigate. You’re not too far from here. Only about eight or nine minutes.”

“Cool.” She played with the brown leather strap of her purse that was draped over her shoulder.

“Let’s get inside,” I said, opening my arm for her to approach. She tucked herself into me, as if she’d always done it, and we all headed for the house.