Page 11 of Before Summer Ends

I groaned, already knowing that meant I’d be mad. Any time he started a story with ‘don’t be mad at me’, I was almost always mad at him. “Why do you do this?”

He raised his hands in defense. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said, his voice elevated.

“You always do something you shouldn’t, then try to ask for forgiveness.”

Parker lowered his hands, a smirk on his face. He was up to something, and it had me curious to learn who would be joining us this evening. Still, I’d give him shit before I forgave him. He had it coming.

“I met a girl at the grocery store today.”

Both eyes widened as I waited for him to explain.

“She was on the phone and I heard her talking to someone about looking for a threesome.”

My mouth dropped. “And you just walked up to her and said, ‘hey, I’m the perfect man for the fucking job? Come and meet my friend at a bar.’” I shook my head, turning away from him. “And better yet, she went for it. She said yeah, let me meet this stranger I met in a grocery store and his friend for a fuck fest–where exactly?” I glanced around. “The fucking bathroom?”

Parker rolled his eyes, and I stared in extreme disbelief at how casual he was being about this situation. Calder, Parker and me all agreed after Millie we were done getting into anything serious. Calder had even flat out refused fucking anyone that was screwing us, too. While me and Parker still had those encounters, there were never any dates. There’d been a line drawn of sex only. No feelings allowed.

Parker bringing this woman here out in public for dinner? Well, that was a hard fucking no. So I was fucking irritated that he did this without checking with me first.

“Calm down, man,” he said, that carefree tone in his voice. He shrugged, sipping his beer again. “Just hear me out.”

“Hear you out, Park? You’re playing with fire, here. And you know it. That’s why you didn’t tell me until we were seated and ordered our drinks.”

The amusement in his golden eyes sparkled. This was a game to him, and I didn’t want to be under the crossfire when Calder found out.

“She was on the phone with someone. I don’t know, one of her friends probably. They were complaining about an ex of hers, how she only wants to have fun, and men like us are unicorns. She was clearly upset over something her ex did. And we’re the perfect duo to help show her how real men treat their women.” He leaned forward. “Who knows? Maybe Calder will jump in eventually, too.”

He was grinning full on now, his shoulder squared as he sat with straight posture. He was truly proud of himself for finding some girl in the grocery store that was venting in confidence to her friend. But he was also delusional. Calder would never jump into anything again. Sharing was off limits. Millie ruined that for us when we found her fucking two other people behind our back.

Calder wouldn’t ever give that trust to another woman. And anyone wanting to be in a relationship with the three of us would automatically be deemed unloyal. Anyone wanting to be with three men would also be willing to sleep around with others in Calder’s eyes.

It didn’t matter that this happened years ago. He’d always have that doubt in his mind.

I scrubbed a hand down my face, shaking my head as I did. “I don’t think we should do this, man. It didn’t go well with Millie, and I don’t want to have to pick up the pieces of Calder’s chaos if he gets hooked and she burns us. Last time was enough.”

Parker nodded, knowing I was right. “And that’s why he’s not here. That’s why it's just me and you. We’ve got a beautiful girl about to join us for dinner, open to the idea of sharing. How was I supposed to pass that up?”

He was staring at me with hopeful eyes and excitement written all over his face. I knew this one would be different, just by the way he was trying to sell me. A sinking feeling swirled in my gut. It was one of warning, and I started to shake my head. Began to tell him I was bowing out.

Until I heard that familiar voice. Soft, like a soothing lullaby.

“Hendrix?” Warm and welcoming, the voice came from right beside us.

My spine stiffened. Slowly, I tilted my head up. Thea Rose stood before us, wearing a bright yellow sundress. The straps on her shoulder were thin, barely there, with a neckline that was low with a bit of ruffle, but it showed off a good amount of her cleavage. The somewhat loose, but still thin material clung around her hips before ending mid thigh.

There was a thin gold necklace around her neck that wrapped around her delicate throat. I swallowed, forcing myself to make eye contact with her.

“Thea. Hey. How are you?” My voice came out scratchy, and I cleared my throat so I wouldn’t sound like a kid in puberty.

“You… know each other?” Parker asked.

Thea nodded, her dark curls bouncing as Parker slid into the booth to make room for her. “Yeah. He just delivered my tiny home yesterday.”

My jaw worked, trying to process what was happening. I knew this town was small, but that she met me and Parker already was insane.

“Oh, really?” Parker drawled, amusement in his tone.

He was enjoying that I was squirming. Relishing that when he asked how the delivery went, I didn’t give him much to go on. I didn’t mention how the owner was a gorgeous young woman, because he knew what it meant for me to play indifferent and not mention her.