Page 80 of Chasing Darkness

I slide my hand to Aelia's shoulder, tapping my finger on her collarbone twice. She tilts her head slightly, eyes flicking to the screen before staring at her folded hands again. How the hell are we going to tear down that many outposts? Setting headquarters on fire, burning their entire fucking world to the ground, wouldn't be enough. Because it's not their entire world. They have all these other places to run to and start anew. I wonder how many times they've had to do this.

"We're here to discuss the Auction," Jenkins says, addressing everyone. "I understand we're running behind our normal schedule, but with the issues we've run into lately, that's to be expected."

Jenkins drones on, talking about logistics and who will handle what. At least he took my advice to split the duties up. Hopefully, that will allow more issues to arise and push the timeline out even more. I don't know what damage we can do in two months, but I'll push it as far as I can.

"Why are our dues being raised again, Jenkins? We just had an increase six months ago," a woman asks, her voice crackling from the speakers.

I flinch, not expecting a woman to be a member. They're few and far between at the events I've been to, and Aelia is the only one in this room. Aelia wasn't fazed by it when I brought it up to her. She merely said evil comes no matter what's going on between your legs. With so many other women locked up beneath our feet, though, I can't wrap my mind around it. Then again, there are men in the Pit as well. And no one seems to care that they're being abused, too.

"Because we supply you with product. If you have a problem with it, then I'll find someone else to run your city," Jenkins sneers.

"And how exactly will you pay for that if I don't pay my dues?" the woman says, and Jenkins's face reddens.

I clear my throat, waiting for him to turn to me. He waves his hand dismissively, collapsing in his chair.

"Our revenue streams within Rima are still being established. Once we've set a firmer foothold within the city, new assets will be pushed to your cities. This will allow you to expand your current reach and justify the increase in dues," I say, tapping my finger on my knee.

Aelia leans into my leg, silently giving me strength. I won't let my guard down in this room, or anywhere within these walls, but having her with me keeps me sane.

The woman falls silent, appeased hopefully, and Jenkins starts up again. I don't understand a lot of what he's discussing as most of it is past issues they're rehashing. I file it all away, regardless. Something might help us later. Plus, being here keeps Jenkins from becoming suspicious. As the meeting wraps up, though, I wonder why I needed to attend. I could have been meeting with Rachel or planning with Jag.

"Cruz, a moment," Jenkins says as the others file out.

I sink back into my chair, pushing Aelia back to her knees. Jenkins can't see her over the table, thankfully.

"I gave your suggestion some thought." He brushes his hand across the table, not meeting my gaze. "If I agreed to allow her more access, you would be entirely responsible for her actions."

He finally looks up, piercing me with a look. I tighten my grip on the chain linking Aelia to me, waiting for more threats. When they don’t come, I glance away.

"While I trust she won't disobey, I would need more oversight in what she's doing."

"You shouldn't trust her."

I smirk even as an ache in my chest pulses. "I don't. I trust in my ability to control her."

Jenkins nods, an evil grin forming on his lips. "Noted. She'll be monitored still, but I'll allow her to get into more programs at once. I'll also send the records for the last Auction to your room. I trust that it's still to your liking?"

"The room is fine." I push to my feet, tugging Aelia to her feet.

"Perhaps you'd prefer another one? Certainly with two bits now, you might prefer more space."

My stomach turns even as I smirk. "The chair is enough to tame the other one."

Jenkins licks his lips, probably imagining Avery shackled to the chair in my room. "I notice you have a man stationed outside your door."

I slide one hand into my pocket. "You noticed? Or Grant informed you?"

"Does it matter?" Jenkins asks, leaning back in his chair.

"Certainly. You see, I've had my man there for several months and yet he's only informing you of this now. Perhaps he doesn't have the Guild's best interests in mind after all."

I pivot, heading for the door. Jenkins doesn't stop me, thank fuck. After the mind-numbing meeting, all I want to do is strangle him with the chain hanging from my fist. Several council members glance our way, one even lifting his hand as if we're buddies. I’ve never seen him, and I have no intentions of forging any new faux-friendships.

Aelia's words from last night bounce around my mind, catching on all the excuses I've made for not making a move against the Guild. The risks she's taking far outweigh what I've done so far, yet I've acted as if we're on an even playing field. And now I've set her up to take on more. Putting her in more danger isn't the way to dismantle the Guild. We need help.

I tip my chin to Jag when we reach the bedroom, and he follows us in. Aelia sighs, tearing at the lock on the collar. I push her fingers away, unhooking the leather, and it drops to the floor. Her neck is irritated, red marks scored into her skin. Rubbing my thumb along them, I rein in the outrage coursing through me. I hate that I can't prevent her flesh from becoming marred.

"I'm done waiting," I say, breaking the silence.