Page 5 of Chasing Darkness

She heaves up, ribs pronounced even as she slouches. I turn, tipping my chin up as we pass the others who whisper insults under their breath. I'm used to it, but I wish they understood I have no choice. In this place though, I'm the Mistress, doing the bidding of the devil. The world shouldn't be like this. It should be bright and full of potential.

Hell doesn't care about potential. The devil doesn't care how we got here. The only way out is to be fractured beyond repair or dead—and death would be preferable.



The mansion looming before me is massive, even bigger than the Kings' place back in Synd. How the Guild acquired it in such a short time is a feat I don't want to examine too closely. I'm pretty sure it was an old embassy or something, left abandoned shortly before I moved to Rima. It's sat ever since, though the mayor promised in his campaign he’d deal with the eyesore. He’s as corrupt as they come, so I’m not surprised he sold it to the Guild.

I rarely come this far south since Viper territory sits on the northern edge of the city. When Byron, as he insisted I call him, told me of it, I feigned ignorance. To him, I'm merely an overly wealthy businessman here to secure some mysterious deals with those running the depraved side of Rima. He framed this meeting as an opportunity to network with a little entertainment on the side. As if I couldn't figure out this is actually the seat of the Guild.

If I had enough explosives, I could probably bring the whole place down. They'd probably just pop up in another city, the incident merely a blip on their books. If this mansion—complete with goddamn peacocks wandering around the grounds—is any indication, they could take the hit.

"Cruz, glad you could make it," Byron says as he exits his car.

Another vehicle pulls up behind and the driver hops out to open the back door. I tense, turning my body when I spot familiar black hair peppered with white. Judge Joseph Merrick steps out, and my chest tightens. This is the one test that truly matters. Merrick and I have never crossed paths, but he knows of the Vipers. At least according to my sister Mac's best friend, Willow. I'm inclined to believe her, since he's her stepfather. The question is, will he recognize me?

"Ah, Judge Merrick," Byron booms, holding out his hand. "Finally got that meeting, I see."

Merrick's mouth twitches before he shakes Byron's hand. "Yes, well. Hopefully, they will see the benefit of having someone like me within their ranks."

Byron nods as if this is a simple business transaction instead of dealings with a criminal organization that makes mine look like toddlers playing with BB guns. I plaster on a neutral expression as Byron gestures to me.

"Meet my newest recruit, Dante Cruz."

Tucking my hand in my pocket, I pivot, extending my other hand. I resist the urge to shoot him, opting to squeeze his fingers as hard as he is mine. He tilts his head, narrowing his blue eyes.

"Pleasure," I say.

"Dante, did you say?" Merrick asks, finally releasing my hand.

"Dante Cruz, Judge."

"Are you from Rima, Cruz?"

He eyes my watch before plastering on the politician smile I've seen so many times in the media.

"Ah, no. I have several residences across the country, actually. This is the first time I've been to Rima." I rock back on my heels.

Two more cars pull into the drive and several rich assholes emerge, laughing as they make their way up the stairs to the massive double doors. To the untrained eye, others would assume this is a gala or fundraiser for the elite. When the doors open, revealing the interior, another world appears.

"Well, hopefully your stay in Rima is fruitful. Have a good evening, gentlemen." He turns, striding off without a backward glance.

Byron's hand lands on my shoulder. "Don't worry about him. I've found him a bit uptight, although a good man to have in your back pocket, if you know what I mean."

I nod, following him up the stairs. The guard greets Byron, then raises an eyebrow as Byron explains who I am and vouches for me. He takes the white keycard the man gives him before waving us inside.

"That's your ticket in to some places for the evening. It will be deactivated when the night is over. You'll have to wait for full access." He flashes a black keycard before tucking it back in his pocket.

"And what exactly is this event?" I ask as we make our way down the hallway.

Several doors with card slots line the walls, some with guards outside. They're all beefy and nondescript. The other members’ eyes skip over them as they lean against walls and monitor random doors. I'm sure this place is crawling with security.

"Mostly it's a show to highlight what the Guild has to offer, but more of a teaser for another event coming up. Have you heard of the Auction?"

My skin crawls as we come to a massive ballroom. "I have. I was told the guest list is exclusive."

"Oh it is, but don't worry. I'm sure we can find a spot for you," he says, clapping me on the shoulder with a grin.