Page 37 of Chasing Darkness

"There's a motorcycle club within Rima," he says, glancing at his computer screen.

I tense, scrambling to appear composed. In no way will I betray the Vipers. Not even to bring down the Guild. I'll simply have to find another way.

He clears his throat. "The problem is the president. He's a certified psychopath."

"I didn't realize they allowed for that type of diagnosis," I murmur, relief flooding through me. There are many ways to describe me, but that is not one of them, even by my enemies.

"His words, obviously." He waves away my statement. "The Night Slayers could have been an asset, but they're becoming more of a nuisance now. Some feud is happening, and I'd rather not deal with them."

"What exactly would you have me do about it?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

The rival between the Night Slayers and the Vipers hadn't escalated to the point of needing interference before I left for Synd. Hopefully Maddox has dealt with them. They’ve been trying to take more territory and steal our product. It’s annoying, but nothing we can’t handle. I never met their president, but if he's sadistic, I wish I would have done more.

"I'm not entirely sure as of yet. You're not exactly the biker type, so I doubt you'd be able to be a mole." He smirks, and it takes me a beat, but I chuckle.

"Certainly not," I say, but even I can hear the tightness in my voice. "I don't have many contacts in Rima, but I can reach out to the few I have. What about that judge?"

"Merrick? No. He's useless. Great at manipulating the legal system, but not much else. Although, if the rumors are true, he offed his wife with no one the wiser." He cackles as if that's the grandest plan he's heard to date.

"Is Merrick not high within the organization?"

Jenkins’s eyes narrow on me, and I wonder if I've pushed too far. The few men at the meeting before couldn't have been all there are on the council. Giving out that information might be too much for Jenkins.

"He's not. He hasn't come up with the requirements to become a VIP, much less sit on the council."

"Hmm. Too bad," I murmur, glancing out the window. Moonlight filters through the sheer curtains, lost in the bright overhead lights.

"And why is that, Cruz?"

"I'd rather not overstep my bounds, Nolan."

He flinches at the use of his given name. He hides his unease well, but not well enough. There is no loyalty, not truly, within the Guild. Once their shared purpose is dismantled, they'll turn on each other like lions tearing into a carcass.

Jenkins needs to believe I'm like them, willing to do anything in order to protect myself and my assets. It's the only way the Guild has survived this long.

"Perhaps another time then."

"Of course. Once I've settled more." I push from my chair, buttoning my suit before nodding to him.

I stride for the door, spinning at the last minute and snapping my fingers. "One more thing, Jenkins."

Annoyance flashes in his eyes before his mask slips back into place.

"What is it, Cruz?"

"I'm taking her"—I point at Aelia but keep my eyes on the older man—"to the fight this evening. I need a means to...wrangle her, should anyone try to interfere with what's mine."

His eyes dart to Aelia, who's frozen in her seat, if her lack of typing is any indication. Approval has replaced the annoyance when he looks back.

"I'll have something delivered to your room. I hope the toys I sent before have been useful in breaking her."

"I like to take my time. Patience is key when dismantling intricate things."

He shifts in his chair, making my skin crawl. When I finally kill him, I'm cutting off his dick first. Maybe I'll let him live afterward. Make him live out the rest of his days without his favorite torture device. I smirk, hiding my murderous thoughts.

"True. I tend to go through them a little too quickly. Perhaps I should take your approach with the next one. In fact..." He looks at Aelia again, and my chest tightens.

"It's an acquired skill. Don't be hard on yourself if it takes some practice," I say, stalking over to Aelia.