Page 26 of Chasing Darkness

"I knew you were a little pissant. Jenkins may have given you that bit for now, but she'll never be yours."

I smirk, finally meeting his eye. "What's your last name, Grant?"

He barks out a sharp laugh. "Going to track down my family? Try to dig up dirt on me? Don't bother. No family to threaten and we all have dirty hands, Cruz. Why don't you go back inside and enjoy your bit one last time, hmm?"

"Tell me, Grant. What else have you done over the years to her? As she belongs to me now, for much longer than you assume, I might add, I'd like to know."

"So you can figure out how much she's worth? I can tell you—it's nothing." His nonchalant attitude wears on my nerves, and I can't wait to wipe the smug look off his face.

I push from the wall and leisurely approach him, noting his body tensing at my nearness. Behind all his feigned bluster, he's afraid of me. He should be. He's not nearly terrified enough for my liking, though.I lean in close, ignoring the stinging in my eyes as the smoke from his cigarette wafts across my face.

"I'd like to know so I can inflict the same torture upon you," I murmur.

"You won't. Men like you are all the same, huffing and puffing and throwing out a random fist. But they all find out in the end how valuable I am to the Guild. You'd do well to remember how much Jenkins values my worth."

I snort. "Worth? Men like you have no worth. And Jenkins is the one who gave me permission to do whatever I wanted. Even gave me access to the crimson chambers. Care to take a walk?"

He blanches at the mention of the soundproof rooms tucked away in the basement in the wing opposite the Pit. Aelia was gracious enough to tell me all about them and what others do down there.

I almost puked when she described the metal walls, disinfected not for the victims, but for their tormentors. Can't have the clientèle getting sick. Then they won't be able to pay the exorbitant fees the Guild charges.

He gathers himself, throwing his shoulders back. "As if I'm just going to take your word for it."

I grin, stepping to the side and sweeping my hand out. Letting him talk to Jenkins won't hurt. Either he'll shut Grant down and we'll be free to continue this dance. Or I'll find out more about Jenkins and whether he keeps his word. I wouldn't be surprised either way. Jenkins isn't exactly an upstanding character. I am surprised Grant has stayed alive this long if this is how he treats members. Maybe I’m just lucky he reserves his shittiness for me.

I raise an eyebrow when Grant doesn't move. "You're welcome to ask him. In fact, I encourage it."

He glances from me to the door several times, weighing his options. He shuffles around me, then stomps toward the door. Shaking my head, I pull the gun from my back and the click of the hammer rings through the alley. Grant jumps, spinning around as his hands shake. I'm already leaning against the wall, weapon tucked away. I give him a little wave, smirking, and he scowls.

He mutters under his breath, disappearing through the door. It slams shut behind him and I tip my head back. The sliver of sky above reveals muted stars, wisps of clouds covering some of them. I should go back in, find Aelia, and make sure she's still where I left her. No one saw me leave, but that doesn't mean she stayed put or someone didn’t come into the room. This isn't exactly a safe situation.

"Where's the body?" Aelia's voice echoes from the darkness at the dead end of the alley.

"Did you walk through the wall or something?" I ask, tucking my hands in my pockets again. No need for her to see them trembling with rage.

"There's a hidden door." She gestures toward the dark.

"You were supposed to stay put."

"Well, there was a point in time I had trouble following orders." She smirks, leaning next to me and crossing her arms. "Where's Grant? Let me guess. You let him go."

She shakes her head, pursing her lips. Tucking my chin to my chest, I pull in a deep breath. I can't seem to figure her out. One minute she's cowering in the corner and the next she's snapping at me. I doubt she'd be able to explain what goes on in her head. The shit she's been through has obviously masked who she would have been. I want to peel back the layers she's wrapped around herself one by one and learn who that person is. The one clinging on for dear fucking life deep inside.

"He's checking with Jenkins whether I have the authority to wipe his existence from the planet."

"That's a weird way to say you let him get away."

I chuckle, then sigh. "When was the last time you were outside?"

Her body tenses, arm brushing mine. I'm surprised she's not shivering. She's not exactly dressed for the weather. Summer may be coming, but the nights are still cool. Maybe she's used to it since she's not allowed to wear normal clothes. Half the time I don't even know how she gets into the clothes they force her to wear. There are so many strings and straps.

"It's been a minute," she mutters.

Instead of looking at the sky like I expect, she hides behind her hair. My hand stalls when I reach to tuck the strands behind her ear. We're in a weird stalemate, neither of us willing to give in. Yet I can't walk away.

Jenkins made it clear what will happen when I move on to another bit. I can't leave her to that fate. He'll break her beyond repair. Although, then he'll have to find someone else to do the busywork for the business.

She clears her throat and my hand drops to my side. "I found something."