Page 94 of Chasing Darkness

"We need to get out. Now."

I drag her into the hall, then toward the stairs around the corner. We'll have to enter the main hallways eventually, but I'll delay that as long as possible. Several times, she stumbles into me as I rush us down the stairs. When we reach the end, I swing open the door and stalk into the crowd.

Music and the chatter of dozens of men fill the space, spilling from the gambling room. Avery stops, her arm slipping from my grasp. Turning around, I brace myself to fend off whoever interfered, but no one grabbed her and she's not running.

She's frozen, eyes fixed across the room. I spin back and spy Anders Drake. He limps down the hall, grinning at the man he's talking to. A woman literally hangs off his arm. I'm pretty sure the only reason she's still standing is because of the grip he has on her waist.

When he turns, limping toward us, I grab Avery and pull us into the gambling room. Most of the tables are filled and a mass of men are clustered by the stage where women dance. I've never seen this many people just standing around, though. We squeeze through a cluster of them as I try to lose us in the crowd.

We reach the corner by the bar with a clear shot to the main doors. I'm hesitant to pass any of the guards. I pull Avery close, wrapping my arm around her waist and putting my mouth to her ear.

"We'll stay here until he passes, then make a break for the front doors."

She nods, and I keep my head buried near her neck as I scan the crowd. Drake wanders in, laughing as if he doesn't have a care in the world.

"Dante." Avery's voice is carried away, lost within the mass of people, and I lean closer. "She said to make the call."

Ice floods my veins and I rear back, searching her face. My discussions with Aelia revolved around how to escape, never with something like this. The only person I talked to about calling in others was Jag.

"Jag told you our plan. And you told Aelia."

Guilt flashes in her eyes, but it doesn't matter. Calling the Vipers, the Reapers, hell, even the mafia families in Synd was always a last resort. They dealt with enough when it came to the Guild. They lost more people than they should have. We can't do this alone, though. Especially since I no longer have the advantage of being on the inside. With Aelia missing, my focus is on finding her now, not bringing down the Guild.

I slide my phone from my pocket, dialing my brother's number. Maddox might not be my first choice, but I left him in charge of the Vipers. He should at least be able to get ahold of the rest. It doesn't even ring, an automated message about the line no longer being in service picking up instead. I curse, hanging up. My thumb hovers over the screen. I don't want to drag Mac into this, but I might not have a choice.

A guard approaches and I'm about to take off when I realize I recognize him. He casually posts up next to us, then slides closer.

"Go," he grunts, then melts into the crowd again.

I dial Mac, then push my way through toward the double doors. Avery yelps when she gets elbowed in the head, and I drop my arm as the line rings over and over. I seize her hand, pulling her behind me. There's a click and I let out a whoosh of air.

"Mac?" I yell.

The line crackles and I glance at the screen to make sure it's connected. The timer clicks on, counting the seconds.

"Mac!" Still nothing, but I don't have time to make sure she's there.

"MacKenzie, I'm sorry. I don't have time, and I hate to ask, but I need you. Call everyone. I'm in with the Guild in Rima. I think I can—"

Avery cries out as a man trips into her, then his body crashes onto a table, scattering chips. Men jump up, bellowing and adding to the general chaos. Another man grabs Avery and she shrieks, trying to free herself. I shove him, clutching my phone tight.

"Back the fuck off. She's mine."

"You can share, pretty boy," he slurs, bloodshot eyes finding mine.

My lip curls in disgust as Avery slips behind me. "Touch her and I'll cut your fucking dick off and shove it down your throat and make you thank me for the service."

I remember I'm still on the phone and bring it to my ear again, grunting when Avery's elbow slams into my stomach in her haste to get away from another man leering at her.

"Mac?" My heart clenches when I still hear nothing. "Just get here. I can't bring them down alone."

I hang up, then drop the phone in an abandoned drink. No use keeping it. Who knows what type of tech Jenkins has to track me. I've spent enough time in here I'm sure he's got eyes on me. No use giving him another way to find me.

Spinning Avery in my arms, I mouth, "I'm sorry," then throw her over my shoulder. She doesn't react, just digs her nails into my back as she clutches my shirt. We finally make it out the doors and into the hallway. I turn to the left when a shout from behind rises over the din of voices. I don't bother glancing back as adrenaline courses through my body.

We make it to the front and another guard, one whose name was on the list Rachel slipped Aelia, spots me. He hurries to open the heavy wood and I slip through, narrowly clearing Avery's head. The driver I used all those months ago waits at the end of the drive, and I sprint toward the black SUV.

More shouts ring through the night and I push myself harder. The back door pops open just as a bullet whizzes by us, burrowing into the rocks at my feet. I throw Avery into the car and dive in after her, covering her body with my own. We're moving before I have the chance to close the door and another shot rings out.