Page 8 of Chasing Darkness

"Please, just tell me who I'm meeting," he whispers, releasing my arm.

Turning my head slightly, I peer at him, but all I find is calculation in his eyes.

"Jenkins," I breathe before pushing open the door and stepping through.

Shuffling to the side, I allow Dante in before shutting the door. Jenkins, seated at his usual place behind his desk, glances up from his computer. An older man faces him, not bothering to turn around, but that's not surprising.

"Dante Cruz, sir," I say, folding my hands in front of me.

He runs his gaze along my body, and I tip my chin up the slightest bit. I wish I was still in my skirt and blouse. The scraps of lace don't leave much to the imagination. Even though I'm used to it, his perusal still makes my skin crawl.

"Mr. Cruz, pleasure to meet you. I'm Jenkins, though I'm sure you've never heard of me." He says it with such a smarmy smile I almost roll my eyes. "And this is Mr. Drake. He's been with the Guild for quite some time."

Digging my nails into my palms, I struggle to keep my face neutral. I rarely see my father, and his appearance is a punch straight to the gut. He's usually off scouting other locations for the Guild. Based on the few times a year we've seen each other, I've gathered he resents my continued involvement in the organization. It's his fault I'm here in every way, shape, and form.

He sold me without a second thought, expecting them to throw me into the Auction. When they asked him what my attributes were, he fucked up. He told them I was good with numbers, as if that was something they cared about. Apparently, they did and they told me to fix their money issues. The entire thing snowballed into what it is now—a prison with a comfortable chair.

“You may go, Aelia." Anders dismisses me without even giving me the courtesy of looking.

"Actually, she stays," Jenkins counters, leaning back in his chair.

Anders stiffens, finally glancing over his shoulder at me, and he curls his lip. I'm sure my attire is offensive to him. Everything concerning me is offensive to him. He still pushes Jenkins to ship me off to the Auction, but that will never happen.

When Jenkins installed me in his office, my father wasn’t happy, but he couldn’t say anything. I like to think my presence is a constant reminder of what he did to me and guilt eats away at him. If only that were true. He’s pissed he can’t control me anymore, yet I just won’t disappear.

Eyeing Dante, I wonder if he has a gun. The chances of me getting ahold of it to successfully shoot my father are slim, but I'm willing to try. The Guild doesn’t allow weapons on the premises, though, so I doubt he has one.

"Byron told us quite a bit about you, suggested you might be good for the Guild.”

Dante’s head tilts as he considers Jenkins’s words. “I’m surprised. Byron didn’t seem to have enough pull to afford me a meeting with someone such as yourself.”

Jenkins chuckles, his charm on full display. “He doesn’t. However, we have eyes everywhere. We’re always on the lookout for fresh blood.”

I suppress a shiver as fear races down my spine. The turn of phrase alludes to more than just new clients and members, though I doubt Dante understands that. Then again, maybe he knows exactly what Jenkins is talking about.

Jenkins folds his hands over his stomach. “I'm wondering how much you're willing to invest to achieve a significant place within our ranks."

"Depends on what you're wanting me to invest. I'm particular about where I put my money, as I'm sure you are as well."

Jenkins’s eyes find mine, and I nod in acknowledgement. He and I both know the price and it isn't funds. The Guild has been doing quite well financially, thanks to me until the last few months. The thought makes my body clench. At some point, I'll outlive my usefulness. I can only hope I'll be able to bring them down with me.

"We don't usually deal in cash unless it's to pay for the services we provide. Any family, Mr. Cruz?"

Dante straightens his cuffs, hiding an expensive watch much like the one gracing my father's wrist. "I find family only holds one back, Mr. Jenkins. If money isn't what you're after, then perhaps another deal can be made. I, myself, barter mostly in information."

Jenkins nods and Anders turns then, a glint in his eyes. Dante spreads his hand out as if he's offering them all he knows on a silver platter. Jenkins won't take it, though. Unless Dante can procure a loved one to sell to them, thus proving his devotion to the Guild, they won't take it.

"What do you know of Synd?" Jenkins murmurs.

Sucking in a sharp breath, I hide behind my dark hair. Dante's eyes are on me again.

"Quite a bit. When I caught wind of the Guild's operation, you were in Synd. I was...indisposed at the time, though, and therefore unable to catch you while there," he says, and I narrow my eyes at the choice of words he's used. "When I heard you've moved to Rima, I decided to come here."

"That doesn't explain why you would know about Synd, Cruz," Anders sneers.

"Perhaps you haven't grasped how I operate, Drake. I don't do anything halfway. I've been looking into the Guild for quite some time to make sure you're a sound investment and the organization is run to my standards. As Synd was the last major city you tried to infiltrate, I made sure to look into the area and history. Is that a satisfactory enough answer for you?" There's an edge to his voice and a small thrill runs through me at the thought of him taking my father down a peg or two.

"Usually, we'd slow this process down, but as you said, we recently had issues with Synd. We're needing someone who can help us deal with them," Jenkins says, shushing Anders when he tries to interrupt.