Page 76 of Chasing Darkness

"Sorry, yeah. Rachel gave me this one. The Pit guard gave me the other one." She waves them around as if I'll be able to decipher the words through osmosis.

"What exactly do they say?"

"It's just a list of names. But I'm pretty sure they're who would be with us if there was a coup." She's practically mouthing the words by the time she's done.

"Burn them," I say, then grab them out of her hand.

Nothing good will come from having these around. If someone finds them, the names on these lists will die. And that would be merciful, which the Guild is not known for. Crinkling the notes in my fist, I rush to the bathroom door, intent on flushing them down the toilet.

"Dante," Aelia sputters, grabbing my shirt and yanking me back.

"We can't keep them, Aelia," I snarl, tugging the fabric from her fingers.

"Stop. Avery is in there, you asshole,” she hisses.

I stop trying to get away and sigh, torn between banging on the door and just waiting her out. I don't have to do anything, though, as the door pops open. Avery jerks back, eyes bouncing between us. She's wearing the same dress as before and it's filthy. At one point it was probably a bright yellow, but it's streaked in dirt and ripped in places.

I turn to Aelia. "Get her some proper clothes."

"What, am I too dressed for you?" Avery spits out, nostrils flaring.

Aelia steps in front of me. "Listen, I know you're upset and probably confused, but Dante isn't the enemy."

"He certainly lookslike the enemy. And what is Jag doing here?"

I mumble under my breath, retreating to the hallway while Aelia tries to calm her down. I close the door behind me, leaning against the wood next to Jag.

"She still spitting venom in there?" he asks gruffly, crossing his arms.

I slide my hands in my pockets. "She's not exactly happy. Think she's more scared than anything, but she hides it well. You two got history?"

"Ave isn't scared. That woman doesn't have an ounce of self-preservation in her body. Constantly running headlong into whatever trouble she can find without a care for anyone who's sent to pull her ass out of the mess she's made."

Scanning the hallway, I really hope no one is watching from the cameras tucked in the corners. I wouldn't put it past Grant to be hiding in the shadows, eavesdropping.

"So a lot of history then." I grin as he curses under his breath. “Why is she so pissed at you in particular?”

He huffs, crossing his arms over his massive chest. “The last time I saw Avery, she was flitting around Harris with some redhead. They got into it with a rival MC up there, burned down some buildings and pissed off a lot of people. Then her friend disappeared off the face of the planet. I had to swoop in and clean up their mess. May have had a few words with Ave about it.”

I hide my grin behind my hand, then rub my jaw. “Can’t imagine why she’d be upset at you scolding her like a child.”

“I didn’t scold her. Just told her she should pick better friends,” he grumbles. “And now she’s here in this shithole, which is a thousand times worse than a little arson on a Friday night.”

I sigh, fear slicing through me. We’re getting closer every day to bringing down the Guild which only puts Aelia, and now Avery, in more danger.

"We'll get her out, Jag."

"Can't promise that, Dante. No more than you can promise we'll survive this. Or that your woman will."

"You saying Avery is your woman?"

He scowls, tucking his chin to his chest. "I'll be dead either way. If I come home without her Ghost will kill me. Let's call her my insurance."

"Sure, Jag. Whatever you say," I murmur, clapping him on the shoulder. "Whatever you say."

