Page 51 of Chasing Darkness

"You know Mistress?" she asks, head constantly on a swivel, and I nod. "Can you get a message to her? Rachel said you could be trusted."

She swallows hard, face paling when I don't respond. I'd rather not be known as the person they can go to when they have issues. It'll only make shit harder for me. Having a bunch of women coming up to me to pass notes? Someone is bound to notice—namely Grant. I can't wait until I can float his ass.

"Rachel needs to see Mistress. As soon as possible."

"About what?" I ask, searching the corners of the hallway for cameras.

"They can't see us here. We're in a blind spot," she whispers. "Guards say another one is coming. Twice as big. Just tell Mistress."

She disappears into the shadows, slipping away as quickly as she appeared. I pivot, ready to go back and get Aelia. Two steps later, though, reality comes seeping back in. If someone is watching on the cameras, it would look suspicious. Not to mention Jenkins would question me.

Making my way down the stairs, I aim for casual even though my muscles are tight, unease still sitting like a lead weight in my stomach. Jag nods to me as I approach, and I motion him inside. He may not be my first choice to watch my back, but he's loyal at the very least.

"There a problem, Prez?" Jag asks, leaning against the door.

"Don't call me that here," I snarl, shucking off my jacket and throwing it on the bed.

"Thought this room wasn't bugged?"

"It's not, but that doesn't mean it's soundproof. I need you to figure out where the guards stay. I'm sure they have some sort of break room or something."

"Doubt there's a break room, but they house them a floor above the Pit. Some of them bounce from room to room. Think they've got a poker game or something."

"Or something," I mutter, collapsing on the chair. I cringe, remembering Aelia's words about what could be on it.

He drops his head, then gives me a look. "Prez, what are we doing here? You belong leading a fucking MC, not in this shithole."

"And what happens when the Guild bleeds this city dry? They'll move on to you next, Jag. You think the Phantoms will survive them coming to Harris?" I ask, digging my nails into my thighs to rein in my anger.

I'm not upset with Jag. He's doing me a huge fucking favor coming here. As Sargent-at-Arms of the Phantoms, he didn't have to drop everything and come to Rima. Ghost, the president, almost didn't even take my call, and I'm pretty sure Jag refused to help at first.

"I'm here, aren't I?"

"Fucking bikers," I grumble, pushing to my feet. "Why the hell did you pick Phantoms for a name? Sounds like a kid named you guys."

"Was named that when I joined. Didn't ask." He runs his hand through his hair. "Weird seeing you in a suit instead of leathers."

"Probably as weird as it is to wear one. Listen, I don't know what the fuck I'm doing, but I can't stand for this shit. We need to know which guards are loyal to the Guild and who we can sway. Quietly."

"Goes without sayin'. Raines, this ain't gonna be easy. No one here is loyal. And that woman you got holed up here? She can't be trusted either. You know that, right?"

I shake my head, leaning my forearm against the window. Usually, the massive lawn behind the building is dark, only the occasional animal sneaking from the forest lining the edge of Rima. Tonight, a group of mostly men spill out onto the patio, drinks in hand, partners on their arm. Several of them don't even bother to flit off into a private corner to engage in their sexual activities. I turn away when I spot a man forcing a woman to bend over the railing as she cries.

Rage swirls through me and I close my eyes. None of this should be happening. I don't know how Aelia can live surrounded by this, watching it for years, yet do nothing to help. I understand when she was alone, just trying to survive, but I'm handing her the opportunity to change things. And every time she shies away. I rear back, slamming my fist into the wall. Bracing my hands on my knees, I struggle to control my rage.

"Ghost called," Jag says, ignoring my outburst. "Wants to know when the fight is. He wants in."

I straighten, turning to face him again. "When?"

I told them both we can't have communication once Jag comes to the Guild. There's too much of a risk of being overheard. Or someone getting it into their head to play heroics or some shit. The fact that neither of them listened pisses me off. I can't keep him here if he's going to fuck with my plan.

"Calm your tits. It was before I got here. He wanted me to check shit out first, make sure this wasn't a lost cause. You know he doesn't do losing battles."

I breathe a sigh of relief. "None of us do. We're not even close to that point. But we'll need all the help we can get eventually."

"I'll figure shit out with the guards. You're better off working with the people stuck in the Pit. They got a reason to turn on the Guild." His tone is gruff, jaw ticking. I didn't realize he'd been down there.

"You ever look in their eyes?" I ask, and he shakes his head. "Aelia said you could tell how long they've been here based on how much light is in their eyes. Most of them are dead inside. They need someone to step in for them, Jag."