Page 50 of Chasing Darkness

"Headquarters burned down. Several of their shops are gone as well. Most of the remaining members scattered, probably unable to defend their territory."

"Shame," he murmurs, squinting at a piece of paper. "We could have used them more."

Unease curls in my gut, wondering what connection Jenkins had with them. He made it seem like there was a possibility to align with them.

"I believe the president's volatility would have been a detriment to the Guild."

He glances up, raising an eyebrow. "It's not as if we'd induct him. We'd continue to use them to do our dirty work, then dispose of them."

Aelia's movements behind me cease, then start up again, slower than before. I tried to tell her where I went, but she pretended not to hear me. At least she's forced to listen to it now. Maybe she'll stop blaming me for what Grant did. I don't know what lies he put in her head.


He waves away my question. "Anders’s idea. Thought we could use them to take out the MC in Synd. That obviously failed, like most of his ideas."

"Have you given any more thought to using Anders himself in Synd?"

"No. We've been dealing with other things." He clears his throat. "We need to discuss your continued involvement within the Guild. How high are you looking to rise within the ranks?"

I spread my hands, smirking. "As high as possible. Barring your position, of course."

He taps his finger on the desk, his eyes darting to Aelia. "We've given you quite a bit so far. We're going to require more from you."

"I assumed. What else would you like?" I cross my ankle over my leg, resting my folded hands on my stomach.

"Have you met Judge Merrick?"

"Briefly." My heart pounds, fire racing through my veins.

I haven't had much interaction with Merrick, but he's been a thorn in the Viper's side for several years. A good portion of our members have been in his courtroom, facing his draconian sentencings when they were juveniles. We were the only option they had left. Merrick could fall off the face of the planet, and I'd be perfectly content.

Merrick's stepdaughter, on the other hand, is probably the most innocent woman I've ever met. I still have no idea how my ball-busting sister fell in with Willow. One day MacKenzie showed up with a new friend, introducing Willow to a whole new world. I'd rather not have her caught up in Merrick's schemes, especially if he tries to sell her to the Guild. I don't know if I can stand by while she's sold. MacKenzie would never forgive me. I would never forgive myself.

"I'd like to see what type of assets he can bring to the table. He mentioned wanting to have more access to our amenities. Find out what he's willing to give," he says, turning to his computer.

"I'll see what I can do."

"Tonight. He's going to be at the tables tonight. Seek him out." He pins me with a look, and I push to my feet.

Buttoning my suit, I glance up. "That won't be possible. I'll get to it when I'm able."

"I fail to see what's more important..."

"You're not privy to what's important in my life. Therefore, I'll keep my current schedule. Unless you'd rather I pull my support and be on my way."

It's a risk and an ultimatum. We're still testing the waters, figuring out how far we can push one another. Sooner or later, Jenkins will break. Men like him always do. He sees everyone around him as weak. The control he wields over others is vital for his existence. But he needs my money too much. It's the reason he took it in the first place instead of insisting on what they normally do. I don't know how much power my money affords me, though.

"That won't be necessary. I'm sure you'd rather not leave behind the...benefits we have here at the Guild." His eyes skip to Aelia, but I keep my focus on him. No reason to give myself away.

"Nothing I can't find somewhere else. I'll let you know if I make any headway with Merrick."

I stride out, not bothering to close the door behind me. It's a subtle power move few think of. Closing a door conveys a respect I don't feel for Jenkins, or anyone other than Aelia in this building. The rest of the night will be spent dealing with Grant and waiting for Aelia to complete her work. I wanted to take her with me when I left, but Jenkins is already suspicious of my attachment to her. The more distance I can put between us in his mind, the better.

"Sir?" a small voice calls from the shadows of a staircase hidden away at the end of the hallway.

I stop, tucking my hands in my pockets, squinting into the darkness. A young woman peeks her face out, waving me over. She can't be more than seventeen and there's still a light in her blue eyes. Aelia told me she can always tell how long they've been here by how much of their soul is left shining from their faces. I didn't fully understand what she meant until now.

"Can I help you?"