Page 36 of Chasing Darkness

"I fail to see how any of this is my problem," Jenkins says, leaning back in his chair.

I've been here almost an hour, leaning against the wall, and studiously ignoring Aelia working at her desk. My shoulders are starting to cramp, but I don't want to attract Anders’s attention. The moment he looks at me, I'm afraid I'll end up beating him to death.

Since last week, when Aelia told me how she got here, there’s been a vibration in my chest. The fact that she blames herself makes it worse. She thinks she's the reason she's here, no matter how much she hates her father.

"I feel Synd is ripe for the picking. We should swoop in while we have the advantage," Anders says.

"Except you told us that before and look where it landed us. Here. In this shithole of a city." Jenkins spreads his hands, gesturing around the room. He's trying to come off as calm, but a vein in his forehead pulses.

"Rima is preferable for headquarters, anyway. Draining Synd dry is a better plan."

"Because it's your plan."

Anders finally sees how close to the edge he is. He sputters, backtracking harder than I've ever seen before. I smirk, tucking my chin to my chest. Aelia clears her throat softly, and I glance at her from the corner of my eye. She's gnawing on her lip, staring at the computer screen, but not really moving. The sooner I can convince Jenkins to get rid of Anders, the safer she'll be.

I've been at a loss with how to take down the Guild. I never thought I'd get this far, and it only makes shit harder. It's been easier to get information from Aelia since we're staying in the same room.

I press my lips together, remembering the pillow wall she formed between us. When I asked why she thought it was necessary, she told me I migrate in my sleep. Since I woke up clutching those same pillows, I suppose she was right.

I've learned a lot about the inner-workings and finally have a more solid plan. If I can get close enough to Jenkins, isolate him from the others, he'll become dependent upon me. It's the only way forward at this point. At least until I can get Aelia on board. She has a vast amount of information at her fingertips, but the risk might not be worth the reward.

"Is there a reason he'shere?" Anders spits out, glaring at me.

"Because I don't need to ask your permission who I have in my office, Drake. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have other things to attend to." Jenkins dismisses him, shuffling papers on his desk.

"What about Synd?"

Fuck, he's a dog with a bone. Jenkins slams his fists on his desk and Aelia jolts, knocking over her pen cup. They scatter across the carpet, and she scrambles to pick them up. Neither Jenkins nor Anders pay her any mind, too focused on glaring at each other.

Jenkins pushes to his feet, leaning on his fists. "Get out. Now."

Anders flushes, nodding once before making his way to the exit. He sneers at me as he passes, and I smirk. At least he has the good sense to not slam the door. Jenkins has already composed himself, busying himself by signing a few of the papers. I saunter over, taking the seat Anders vacated, and cross my ankle over my knee.

"Something I can do for you, Cruz?"

"Perhaps allowing Drake to explore the possibilities in Synd would be beneficial."

Jenkins grits his teeth, meeting my eyes. "And why is that?"

At least he's not throwing my ass out. Every step I take is a risk and I'm constantly on edge, wondering if this move will be the one that gets me killed.

"Well, Anders seems to feel very strongly about this. If he occupies his time finding a way in, he might not bother you with it anymore. Plus, he seems quite headstrong. I imagine he'd like to tackle that...project on his own. Sending him alone to spearhead it might be the best option."

I brush a sequin from my knee. I'm sure it came from Aelia's ridiculous clothes. Grant was kind enough to drop off a different outfit every night, regardless of whether I refused them or not.

"And what exactly would that accomplish? Anders going to Synd, that is." Jenkins folds his hands over his stomach as the shirt buttons strain to do their job.

"Either he'll succeed with minimal effort and an insignificant loss of men on the Guild’s side. Then you’re able to take over and do what you choose with him. Or he’ll fail, and you're in the same position you were in before, minus one distraction."

He taps his finger against his stomach, contemplating my proposition.

"I'll consider it. However, we have other issues that are more pressing. If you want to be involved with the Guild as much as you've said—" He gives me a pointed look. "Then you'll need to be more engaged in other things. Spending your money in the gambling rooms and such is all well and good, but we require more."

I nod for him to continue. At least I expected this, all thanks to Aelia. If I secure a place on the council, I might be able to dismantle them enough to take them down.

"What exactly are you asking?"

He chuckles at my word choice. We're still in a delicate dance of pushing the other. It's annoying as fuck.