Page 21 of Chasing Darkness

"Didn't mean to kiss me? Aelia, it's okay. Let's just get out of here. We'll go somewhere else."

The only way I'll be able to calm her down is if I get her out of this damn closet. If her previous actions are any indication, she'll spiral before long. I trip forward, trying not to crash into her. I don't know what I'm kicking out of my way, but I no longer care about someone hearing us. A heavy beat seeps under the door now, so I doubt anyone will bust in on us. We could hide out here all night if need be. I'd rather take her some place that has at least a little light.

"Somewhere else," she says under her breath as if she's dissecting each syllable—rolling it around her tongue to decipher any hidden meanings within the words.

"We're in a fucking closet full of cleaning shit," I growl.

Shuffling forward, I press my body closer to hers. She stiffens, and I open my mouth to reassure her. I don't want to crowd her, but not being able to tell where she is freaks me out. The door bursts open, and I curl my body over hers. She lets out a muffled sob as my arms wrap around her.

"Mr. Cruz, sorry to interrupt, but there are other rooms available to you," Grant says, condescension dripping from his tone.

I scowl as I glance up, scanning Aelia's tear-streaked face. She swallows hard, then shakes her head subtly. Pursing my lips, I narrow my eyes. Fuck Grant and all he's put her through. I'm done tiptoeing around him.

I spin, keeping Aelia hidden behind me. "What I do with my bit doesn't concern you. Close the fucking door, Grant."

"She's my—"

"She's your fucking nothing. She's mine. If you continue to interfere with what's mine, we're going to have a repeat of the other night."

"If that's the way you'd like to play it," he mutters, pivoting before marching off.

Aelia's trembling hand rests against my lower back, but then she rips it away. Snaking my hand back, I tug her in front of me. She squeaks, her head whipping toward the door and back to me. A heavyset man wanders past and spots us. I expect him to hurry along, giving us the privacy we obviously want, but he stops. Leaning in, he leers at Aelia's back, taking his time as he scans her up and down.

"When you're done—"

I pull my gun from behind my back, pointing it at his head. He trips over his feet, almost falling over as he sputters.

"Stay away from her or I'll put a bullet in your head," I growl.

He flees, knocking over a chair in his haste to get away from my threat.

"You're making it worse," Aelia whispers harshly. “And you’re not supposed to have a weapon in here.”

I grab her wrist and drag her from the closet. Some man is announcing the start of the event, and I hurry her along. There's no way I'm staying in that room to watch people be auctioned off. I'd end up shooting more than one of the men waiting for their turn to break their victims. If it's anything like the previous event I was at, some of them would probably do it in the open.

Leading her through the twisting hallways and up several flights of stairs, we finally find our way to the VIP rooms. I assume they aren't bugged since no one's come after me. The last time I took a risk, and I was on high alert for days after. Slamming the door once Aelia is inside, I drop my hold on her and pace the room.

"What has Grant been doing to you?" I demand, planting my hands on my hips and glaring at her.

She twists her fingers in front of her, eyes bouncing around the room. "Nothing more than usual."


Her head whips up at my harsh tone, but I can't help it. I left it alone when she said she didn't want to help me. I kept her close, hoping my presence would keep her safe. It's a naïve thought, but I cling to it.

She'll never be safe. Not until I get her out. It's my new mission. If I fail to bring down the Guild, at the very least, I'll set Aelia free. Hopefully I'll take out Jenkins too.

"He doesn't think you'll care," she murmurs, still refusing to look me in the eye.

"However, I made myself perfectly clear. No one touches you."

"Except you," she hisses, finally meeting my gaze.

Fire burns in her eyes, threatening to send me to the depths of hell. I grin, basking in the strength within her. Through all these years it's still there, burning beneath the surface. Even if it is directed at me.

I nod, the grin sliding from my face. "Except me."

"Excuse me if I don't think that's any better. No matter what bullshit you've fed me about your plans."