Page 19 of Chasing Darkness

He shakes his head, then pulls backs until his eyes meet mine. "I'm not choosing someone else. You're what I need. With a little more time, I'll convince you to help me."

"But Jenkins—"

"Fuck him. I'm pretty sure he needs me a lot more than I need him right now," he mutters, glancing toward the Pit.

"I certainly hope you're right," I murmur.

I wonder if he needs me as well, or if, when the time comes, he'll dismiss me just as quickly.



The last week I've been living in a perpetual state of anxiety. Every time I've stepped foot in any establishment the Guild controls, I expect to be summoned. I keep waiting for Jenkins to make his move, accusing me of being a fraud, yet every night is another round of nothing.

I've kept Aelia by my side as much as possible, especially since she seems to deteriorate a little more each night. Dark circles surround her drooping eyes, and she's even more pale than when I first met her. Trying to talk to her about what's going on is pointless. Her blank stare is the only answer I receive.

"Going to explain this little excursion?" I mutter in Aelia's ear as she leads me through the halls.

"You need to stop acting like we're a couple," she hisses, but I don't know if she's annoyed with me or if I hurt her.

She's been wincing on and off all night. I'm about to take her into one of the private rooms and demand she tell me what the hell is wrong. If someone touched her...

"Why are we here, Aelia? And why do you keep shying away from me?"

"If you act like we're a couple, people are going to get suspicious."

I step in front of her, pressing her against the wall. The room is smaller than the others I've been in, with tiny tables taking up most of the space. A dark stage spans the back, and low voices from the people, mostly men, fill the air. Several doors line the sides, and I reach around her body, opening the one behind her. It's even darker inside, but I guide her back until I can shut the door.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"We need somewhere to talk, and I can't do that in a room full of people. Does this room have cameras?" I whisper.

She sighs, clutching my hand. "We're in a storage room, Dante. Only the mop bucket can hear us."

"What is this event?" I ask, skimming my hand up her side until I reach her neck.

It's so dark in here, I can't even see her outline. The lack of light only heightens my other senses. I pull her closer until our breaths mingle, and she shivers.

"It's a smaller version of the Auction. For locals only," she whispers. "Jenkins insisted you come since you didn't even look at the people in the Pit."

"How do I call a meeting with him?"

"Why?" she asks, her tone all jagged edges and annoyance.

"I'd like to tell him exactly where he can shove his suggestions I find someone else," I growl.

She huffs, turning her head. "I can't help you."

"You can but choose not to. I respect that decision, Aelia, but don't call it something else. You made your choice and I've made mine."

The silence presses in on us, both smothering my senses and sealing us into a bubble of false security. No one can touch us in here. No one threatening to intrude. It's just us, dealing with the push and pull.

"Why me?"Her words are barely a whisper, as if ripped from her soul.

"Because you're worth it."

"You barely know me," she says harshly.