Page 10 of Chasing Darkness

"Your room should be private enough for what I have planned."

I snort, and he jerks to a stop, raising an eyebrow at me. He raises his hand and I flinch, slamming my eyes shut and waiting for the blow. Instead, he brushes my hair behind my ear, fingers trailing along my neck before he leans in, his breath ghosting across my skin.

"Some place with no cameras," he murmurs, and I nod.

He steps back, clearing the way for me to lead, and I force my feet to move. There's no way I'm bringing him to the closet I sleep in. Plus, I'm not entirely sure I'm not watched in there. An entire floor is set aside for his type of request.

Guards line the hallway, waiting for whatever demand someone has. We pass one door as it opens, revealing an elaborate bedroom, a woman cowering in the corner. Two grinning men exit, one slapping the other on the back as they wander off. The guard shuffles into the room, cutting off our view as he kicks the door shut.

Another guard gestures to a vacant room, and I hold out my hand for the keycard Jenkins gave him. Dante steps around me to insert the card, and the guard shoves me inside. Crashing to my knees, I bite my tongue, copper filling my mouth.

Dante growls something at the guard, but I can't make out the words over the roaring in my ears. Each inhale stabs into my chest, sending shards of panic scattering throughout my body.The thud of the lock is a death toll ringing through the room.

My vision blurs, black dots dancing in front of me, and I realize my luck has run out. I'm never getting out of here alive.



"Are you okay?" I ask, crouching to help her to her feet.

Her hand lashes out, trying to shove me back, but her movements are jerky. She plants her hand on the ground again, her gasping breaths rattling out of her. I've seen this before—the erratic actions, the inability to pull in enough air, the rapid blinking. She's having a panic attack, all because of me.

"Just breathe," I murmur, gently rubbing her back, and she shudders until her entire body is shaking. "I'm not going to hurt you."

A humorless squeak leaves her, and she drops her head. She'll never be able to get it together while on her hands and knees, but I'm afraid to grab her. Everyone reacts differently in these types of situations, and I'd rather she not hurt herself because she's trying to get away from me.

"I'm going to pick you up," I say, sliding my arms around her.

She freezes, every joint locking, making it difficult to maneuver around. I stumble toward the bed as she spasms, then curls in on herself. With her back pressed to my chest, she kicks out, connecting with the mattress. I plant my feet so we don't crash to the ground. I practically drop her on the mattress and retreat to the other side of the room.

She scrambles back, wild eyes finding mine, and I hold up my hands. My heart cracks, watching her break down in front of me. I wonder how many other people have been in this exact position within these walls. The sooner I find out how to topple their empire, the more people I can save.

I realize I'm not a vigilante who can rid the world of this type of evil, but I have an opportunity here, and I won't let it slip away. If Aelia can help me, all the better. With the things Byron said about her, along with the way Jenkins acted, I get the feeling she's more than just another victim.

"I'm not going to hurt you." My words don't seem to register. She has no reason to believe me.

"Who are you?" she rasps, and she dissolves into a coughing fit.

"My name is Dante. And you're Aelia."

She narrows her eyes. "I don't need to be reminded of my own name."

I nod, glancing around the room before settling my gaze on her again. "Are you sure there are no cameras here?"

She tilts her head, pressing further into the headboard before whispering, "None that I know of. These rooms are for VIP clients."

"You don't want to be here." It's a ridiculous thing to say, but until I can fully trust her not to rat me out to Jenkins and blow my cover, I can't reveal anything.

"Of course I don't. Who would want to be used for their body? Broken beyond repair by men who think they're owed something. You're despicable," she spits out.

Her eyes widen as she realizes what she's done. She opens her mouth then snaps it shut, fear flooding her face.

"I'm sorry, sir. I didn't mean that. I'm just surprised, is all. I've never been in this position."

"Never? How long have you been with the Guild?"

She shakes her head, tucking her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around her legs. Rocking slightly, I realize I won't get anything else out of her. The only reason she said anything was because of her shock at the situation.