Gray gently and calmly replied, “You mean to climax, Angelica? Have a complete and full orgasm experience?”

Angelica looked down from the steady gaze of his eyes for the first time as she mumbled, “Yes.” She hated looking away but felt uncomfortable with her question. She had always felt uncomfortable talking about it with a man—so she just never did.

Edward’s warm and gentle hand cupped Angelica’s chin—to lift her gaze back to his. He marveled at how baby soft her skin felt. “Perfect,” he said aloud.

Confused by his response, she felt compelled to ask, “How is that perfect? That I have trouble in that department?” she retorted with a puzzled look on her face.

Edward smiled, still softly caressing her cheek, touching the baby-soft hair framing her face. Looking into Angelica’s eyes, he explained, “No, not that of course. Just your skin is so—perfect. Soft. Supple. It feels amazing to the touch,” he said smiling into her eyes.

Angelica felt her face flush, looking into his amazing blue eyes, and hearing his gentle compliment completely changed her state of mind to lean into him before the real relief came next. Gray elaborated, “As far as your concerns about reaching a climax, that would never be your worry again. I can guarantee you, 100%—unless you have had a car accident or trauma where there is major physical, nerve, or internal damage, you absolutely, positively can have wonderful, full orgasms. You just need the right partner and a bit of time and patience to help you get into the right head space.”

Angelica was more than a bit intrigued. Could this be the answer to her greatest ache? Her greatest worry about her feminine energy? Her worth as a partner? “What do you mean?” She gravitated toward his eyes unblinkingly this time.

She felt Edward’s warm hand run across her shoulder and neck gently for one reassuring squeeze and connection before he explained, “It’s 100% mental not physical. It always has been, and always will be. Today, everyone is busy. Everyone is stressed. Lots to do with careers to juggle and busy schedules to keep, and it is very common to feel the way you do, Angelica. I’m sure you have female friends with the same issue if they just felt comfortable talking about it.”

Angelica nodded. “Yes. We all talk about it a lot and several of my friends are just like me. Sometimes we just fake it for our husbands or boyfriends, quite frankly, so they don’t feel bad.”

Gray nodded at her words knowingly and, looking deep into Angelica’s eyes, he said, “What I am offering you is a completely new type of sexual experience. But first, you must trust yourself and your partner to ‘let go.’ To forget worries about the past or future and be completely, totally immersed in the moment. In fact, that is the primary purpose of the Red Playroom. It takes us both out of our everyday ‘busy’ minds and energy. It helps to create an entirely sensual world when you are ready—to explore and be open to focusing just on this moment. Right now. You will discover the amazing feminine energy that has always been right there inside of you. Perhaps waiting for just the right opportunity to feel completely safe and free.”

She thought about the idea and confessed, “The Red Playroom idea is a bit intimidating. I would be scared, I think.”

He nodded knowingly, as he smiled and moved closer to her slightly. “If you were completely comfortable—if you trusted me, and just me alone, no one else for some time—I could train you, your mind, body, and spirit, Angelica, to let go and to have an incredible climax every time as you have never experienced before.”

She felt both hopeful excitement mixed with “sounds too good to be true” running through her mind. How could it be this easy? And why doesn’t everyone know about this? So, she asked simply, “Are you sure it could work for someone like me? How do you know for sure?”

Edward’s eyes smiled into hers. “I can show you the path to feeling 100% in the moment and, with it—a complete and total release—and eventually, perhaps something called a full-body energy orgasm. And you will take that ability with you for the rest of your life. There is a name for this practice, and it is highly effective in the hands of those trained and skilled in this art. It is called ‘OM,’ short for orgasm meditation. Have you ever heard of it before?” he asked.

Angelica’s mind raced with the possibilities. “No, I don’t think so.”

“I would encourage you to Google it. You will discover you are not alone, and this has worked for tens of thousands of women all around the world. And, with trust, time, and practice, I can show you how to reach that peak each time, and eventually, you may have an orgasm lasting for up to fifteen minutes long.”

Angelica had been listening intently to everything Edward had been telling her with a bit of newfound hope and curiosity, up to this point. But when she heard him describe a fifteen-minute climax, her face turned to one of total skepticism. Perhaps like the first time you heard a friend say they had seen a UFO. She blurted out, “What? How is that even possible? That would be hard to even imagine!”

“You would not be the first or last to feel that way about OM, but I guarantee you—you will feel a transformation not just in your sex life but in every area. When we are centered and happy, healthy, and balanced, life just works better. We are happier. We are more fulfilled and want to serve others more. But when we are frustrated, when there is scarcity, stress, or worry, that spills over into all those other areas of life as well.”

Angelica’s mind was now racing with the possibilities. With a tiny bit of hope, she added, “Well, I will look it up online like you suggested.” Her face was alive with curiosity now.

Gray’s deep voice spoke with confidence as he leaned back into the couch, pausing before he said, “Ultimately, here is the question you must answer for yourself: Which do you choose? Light or dark? Hope or despair? It is completely up to you. All I am offering is to show you the path. If you accept my invitation, there is still my core requirement. You would just have to agree to my two rules.”

Angelica smiled at his handsome face as she was intrigued by all the possibilities. “Well, it seems like I don’t have much to lose and lots to gain if even half of what you said is true. But it is getting late Edward, and I should be going. I have to work in the morning.”

Gray rose slowly and helped Angelica stand as well. He pulled her close, feeling her full breasts press against his chest for the first time. Taking her chin and cheek in his hand again, he pulled her full lips to his, and they kissed softly, slowly, and then more passionately. Angelica’s heart raced as she felt his powerful, muscular body pressing into her. She looked at him with a seductive glance. “So, is this when you would like to show me this Red Playroom, Edward?” she said smiling while still pressing fully against him.

His deep blue eyes still smiled into hers as he said, “No, Angelica, as I told you earlier. I never ‘dance’ on a first date or meeting. Not ever. But I will walk you to your car, if you feel ok to drive home safely?”

Her heart was still beating hard as they walked through his arched front doors. Arms around each other’s waist, he guided her to her car. She smiled when Edward opened her door for her, like a gentleman for his princess and pulled her close for one more kiss goodnight. “Here is my card Angelica, with all my numbers. Drive safely, and please text me to let me know when you are home. Ok?”

She didn’t want this magical connection with him to end, so she kissed his cheek and whispered, “When will I see you again?”

She looked into his gaze to see his eyes smiling as he replied, “I will call you for a proper date, the moment you text me that you are home safely. How is that?”

Angelica gazed, more than just a little smitten, into his eyes as she wondered if this was the one she had been dreaming of since she was a little girl. Her mind raced as she thought, “Could it really be him finally?” Her heart was racing just to be near him. Her one-word answer to his question would be her first of many tests to find the truth.

“Promise?” she asked, looking closely at his face. Gray nodded yes with a reassuring smile.


The Phantom