“Aaron can look after me at home.” He struggled to keep his eyes open. “Now, get back in this bed and get some rest.”

His eyes closed. Although he was certain she was rushing to obey him.

Well, she better be.

He really needed to paddle her bottom more often.


Cat walked in behind Rafael and The Scot as they carried Alejandro into the same bedroom where she’d gotten ready for her wedding. They’d flown by helicopter from the hospital to their Southampton mansion.

She didn’t know how Reuben had secured permission to have a private helicopter use the hospital helipad, but he’d done it and she was grateful for it. It’d made the trip a lot easier on Alejandro.

Though she still didn’t think he should be out of the hospital. The doctors had reluctantly agreed to discharge him this morning after discussing things with Aaron.

“Here, set him down,” Aaron ordered.

Alejandro was out of it. Aaron had given him something on the helicopter. And even though she knew it was better for him to be sleeping, it was still freaking her out.

She could feel the panic building.

Breathe through it. He’s here. He’s alive.

Even if he was a stubborn pumpernickel.

“Aaron, do you need anything from us?” The Scot asked.

“Just some space.”

She raised her eyebrows at the crabby response. Usually, Aaron barely talked. She guessed he was less intimidated with Alejandro unconscious.

“Fine. Come on, Little Queen. Why don’t we find you something to eat? Bread and butter? Or we could try and talk Bernard into making you french toast?”

“Bernie is here?” she asked.

“Yep, he came here last night. No doubt he’s going to drive Mrs. Anderson nuts. But he’ll make you whatever you want.”

“What happened with his lady friend?” she asked.

“Reuben assigned someone to watch her, but she refused any help,” The Scot told her with a frown.

Oh no. Poor Bernie. She hoped this hadn’t wrecked their relationship.

“I’m not hungry,” she said. “And I’m staying with Alejandro.”

Aaron shot her a look. But she just glared back at him.

“Fine,” he conceded. “Just stay out of my way.”

She could do that. She moved to sit in a chair beside the bed.

The Scot sighed. “I’ll bring you something to eat in here.”

Cat just nodded. She wouldn’t be eating it though.

This all felt surreal. Like she was outside of her body, staring down at everything happening.

“Here, you need this.” Aaron thrust something into her hand. She looked down at the glass of orange juice.


He picked up her hand and turned it over, looking at her fingertips. Then he turned it back and pinched the top of her hand.


“You’re dehydrated. And probably low on sugar. Drink that juice. Then I’ll get you some water. Drink, or you can’t stay.”

“Whoa, when did you get so bossy?”

He just shrugged and went back to what he was doing before, which was looking after Alejandro.

Which was exactly what he should be doing.

And she was making things harder for everyone.

But she just couldn’t bear the idea of leaving Alejandro right now. She was still scared that she was going to lose him.

And she couldn’t bear that.

“You’re mine, Cat. I’ll never let you go.”

“No, I’m not yours! I belong to Alejandro!” she screamed at the Deity.

He just smiled. “He can’t keep you safe.”

Then, the Deity was gone and Emiliano was in his place. “You’re my property. Come with me.”

She grabbed the gun, holding it up. “I’m going to kill you.”

A different man replaced Emiliano. He seemed vaguely familiar. Who was he?

“Put the gun down, brat!”


Cat woke up with a fright, her heart racing. Glancing around, she saw she was in a bedroom at their Southampton house. Alejandro had woken up briefly last night, but he’d been slightly out of it, which Aaron had said was normal. She checked on him. He was sleeping peacefully now.

No one else was in the room, thank goodness. But she noticed there was a blanket over her as she sat in the oversized recliner chair beside the bed. And Roger and Snuggly were tucked in with her. She hugged them tight as she tried to soothe herself.

She looked at the clock. It was nearly five in the morning. How long had she slept for? She’d been sleeping on and off since they got here, but every time she fell asleep, the nightmares came.

Coffee. She needed coffee. But she didn’t want to leave Alejandro. Instead, she walked into the bathroom and cleaned up, splashing water onto her face.

When she returned to Alejandro, she felt a bit more awake. But still nauseous and jumpy.

Those nightmares were getting to her. She couldn’t let herself fall asleep again. It was the only way to avoid them.

The door to the bedroom opened and Aaron walked in. He frowned down at her. “Did you sleep?”


He shook his head. “You need to take better care of yourself, Cat. You’re going to get ill.”