Then Rafael sighed and nodded. “I’ll be back soon.”

“We’ve got a room with a bed we’ve been using. Cairn will tell you where to go.”

Rafael left without another word.

“Did Rafael update you about what’s going on?” The Scot asked.

“Yeah. We need to take care of Cat.”

“We’re trying. But she’s worried about you. I don’t think it’s truly hit her about her mother. Not fully.”

Fuck. He was hurting for her. Especially as he still didn’t know whether they could get her mother out safely.

“Who killed Emiliano?” he asked.

“Rafael didn’t tell you that part?”

He frowned, not liking the look on The Scot’s face.

“After you were shot, Cat pulled you to safety. But Emiliano somehow you both. He was going to grab her. Instead, she took your gun and she killed him.”


It wasn’t that he was upset that the asshole was gone.


But he knew what this was going to do to Cat. She was strong. But she wasn’t indestructible.

“Has she said anything?”

“No. All her focus has been on you.”

There was a knock on the door and The Scot opened it for Reuben to walk in.

“Good, you’re awake and she’s asleep. Did you drug her?” Reuben asked briskly.

He was dressed in a suit, not a wrinkle in sight. But Alejandro could tell that he hadn’t slept at all. He was almost buzzing, probably from too much caffeine.

“Think she fell asleep on her own,” The Scot said.

“She drink some water? Half a bottle? She pee yet?”

Both of them stared at him blankly.

Reuben sighed. “Where is Rafael? He’ll know.”

“He’s resting,” The Scot told him. “Had to basically order him to leave her.”

“He’s loyal.” Reuben nodded.

“Report?” Fuck, he hated how tired he was. He could already feel his body trying to pull him back into sleep. Damn drugs.

“Ortega is on his way back to Dante, I hope. There’s no sign of any more of Emiliano’s men. Dante has reached out to his son, Pablo, but so far hasn’t heard back.”

Fuck. If Pablo retaliated against Dante for Emiliano’s death, it could mean war.

“So far, the city is quiet. I’ve got our men stretched wide. They’re all running on empty, though.”

“Rafael said only Cairn was injured?”

“He has a flesh wound on his arm. So no paddling naughty subs at the club for a while,” The Scot said cheerfully.

That would make the Dom grouchy. He was one of the resident disciplinarians at a club that Alejandro had invested in as a silent partner. Mostly so his men who wanted to play had somewhere safe they could go.

“Security at the house will need to be redone and with Nighthawk retreating into himself that might be a problem,” Reuben said.

“Cairn says he knows someone who can help,” The Scot told him.

Alejandro nodded. “Tell Cairn to come in when you leave and talk to me.” Cairn knew a lot of interesting people, and Alejandro trusted his bodyguard not to steer him wrong.

“Does everyone have to be so loud?” Cat grumbled from next to him. “Trying to sleep.”

“Sorry, Pequeña. Go back to sleep.”

She sighed, burying into him. Then, all of a sudden, she sat up with a gasp. “Papi!”

“I’m here.”

“Papi! Papi!”

Was she still asleep? In the middle of a nightmare? What was wrong?

“Preciosa, it’s all right. Lie back down and go to sleep.”

Turning, she gazed down at him like she’d never seen him before. Then she drew away from him. “Oh no! I was sleeping on you? What was I doing? How did I get here? Who let me fall asleep?”

She glared at The Scot and Reuben like they’d kicked her puppy.

Both men shook their heads.

“Not me,” The Scot said, holding his hands up.

“I just arrived. But if I’d been here, I would have knocked you out if you hadn’t fallen asleep,” Reuben told her.

“Rafael.” She pounded her hand with her fist. “That jerk is going on my frenemies list.”

“You have a frenemies list?” Alejandro asked.

“I do now, and he’s number one on it. I can’t believe he let me fall asleep. And how did I get on the bed? I shouldn’t be in bed.”

She climbed off before he could stop her.

“Kitten, come back to bed,” he ordered.

His voice couldn’t have been firm enough, though, as she shook her head and fussed around him.

Fuck. He tried to shift, the pain making him grimace.

“Lie still,” she bossed as she reached over to hit the button for his pain medication.

“What did you do?”

“You’re in pain. You need to sleep.” She frowned down at him. “We have to keep a close eye on you. I don’t think you know your own limits.”

He glared over at Reuben and The Scot, who were both grinning.

Fuck, his head was already swimming.

“No more drugs,” he warned her. “Reuben, go tell the doctors I want out of here. Where’s Aaron?”

“He’s with Bernard,” Reuben replied. “I can get him here.”

“You can’t leave the hospital, Alejandro,” Cat said, looking shocked. “You were shot. You need to stay here.”