It really wasn’t her fault that he didn’t appreciate that.

Alejandro pulled her over to him, turning her to face him. He wrapped his hand around the back of her neck. “Mine.”


Possessiveness activated.

“Of course I’m yours. I’m not interested in Rafael.”

“Fuck,” Rafael muttered. “She’s going to get me killed.”

“You’re not to go near his ass. You’re not to notice his ass. Talk about it or touch it, understand me?”

“Papi, you’re overreacting.”

“¿Comprendes?” he repeated.

“Si, Papi.”

He took her mouth in a kiss that was a total show of possession. But it still had her gasping and swaying when he finished, her body filled with heat.

“But I was only talking about sticking a thermometer up there.”

“Girl, stop talking,” Rafael muttered.

“What?” Alejandro gave her a confused look.

“Because I’m his nurse, Papi.”

Alejandro raised an eyebrow.

“I was going to stick a thermometer up his ass. I mean . . . it’s not like it would fit since it’s so crowded with that giant stick up there. And I wasn’t actually going to do it. It was just a joke.”

Alejandro gaped down at her. Then to her shock, he started laughing.

Whoa. That wasn’t something he did often.

But she adored it when he did. She smiled, bouncing on her toes.

The Scot joined in, while Rafael just glowered at them all.

“You really threatened to stick a thermometer up his ass?” Alejandro asked.

“Yes. But I really wouldn’t have. I don’t want to go near his butt.”

“What’s wrong with my butt?” Rafael asked, sounding offended.

“I can’t believe you just said that,” The Scot said with a snort.

“Wait. Fuck. Forget I said that. I want to keep breathing,” Rafael said hastily.

She rolled her eyes. “Drama queen.”

Alejandro let her turn, but his arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her against him. Then he kissed her neck. “Scot, you’re here while Cairn and Gage are with me.”

She frowned. “The Scot doesn’t have to stay here. Bernie and Rafael are here. I’m perfectly safe.”

“Rafael is on light duties. And Bernard will give you whatever you ask for.”

“Well, yeah. What’s wrong with that?” she asked in bewilderment.

“You need someone to tell you no.”

Pfft. She so didn’t think so.

“And you think The Scot will tell me no?”

“He better. Especially if you want to do something that endangers you. Like going out for ice cream.”

A shiver ran through her. “Don’t worry. I don’t want to leave the house.”

The room filled with silence.

Then Doomy Gloomy walked in. “Oh, you’re all in here.”

“Aww, Doomy Gloomy, it’s good to see you too. Where you been? Sticking needles into your favorite voodoo dolls?” she asked.

“Didn’t you feel the prick in your ass?” Doomy countered.

The Scot started laughing and they all stared at him. “What? Prick in the ass? Because prick is another word for dick.”

Alejandro groaned. Then he turned her. “It’s less than a week until Christmas, we should get a tree.”

“Oh yeah.” She nodded. “We do need a tree. I’ll order one to be delivered.”

“I thought we could go get one,” he told her.

“Oh no, you’re way too busy for that. Why go get one when we can order it?”

“Right.” Alejandro gave her a worried look before kissing her lightly. “The Scot stays. You obey him. Understand?”

“Yes, Papi. I’m always obedient.”

She couldn’t understand why everyone started laughing.

Alejandro sat behind his desk at The Circus of the Dark, but he couldn’t relax. Something was niggling at him.

Cat doesn’t want to leave the house.


He hadn’t really taken note before now. But Cat hadn’t left the house since her kidnapping.

Sure, it hadn’t even been three weeks since she was kidnapped by Mikey and Starla. But this wasn’t like Cat.

Fuck. Part of him wanted to celebrate the that fact she didn’t want to go out. That was what he’d wanted, right?

Only he was worried about her.

There was a knock on his door. “Come in.”

Reuben walked in. “What’s wrong? Has something happened?”

“What? No. Sort of. I just realized that Cat hasn’t left the house since she was kidnapped.”

“Oh. Is that a problem?” Reuben sat across from him after pouring them both a drink.

“I think she’s scared to go out.”

“Doesn’t that work in your favor? Means she’s less likely to get hurt. You were the one who said she was never leaving the house again.”

“Yes, but I didn’t expect her to not want to leave the house. It sounds like what I should want. Only . . . I want her to be truly happy. And healthy.”

“She’s alive and protected. I think you’re worrying about nothing. Cat has always been impulsive and a bit reckless. This means you don’t have to worry about her.”

Reuben was just saying what he’d often thought. But Alejandro still didn’t feel right about it all.

“When I have a wife, she’ll stay where I put her.”

Amusement filled Alejandro. “That so?”

“Yeah. And I won’t be letting her get away with disobeying me. She’ll know who is in charge. My wife will depend on me completely. For everything.”