No, she wanted more.

Needed it.

“Come, Kitten. Come for me!” His fingers slid around to her clit, rubbing it until she exploded, hard.

It hadn’t taken much, and he kept fucking her through it, driving her into a second harder orgasm, which made the whole room spin. His own shout of satisfaction was nearly drowned out by her racing heartbeat.

Cat slumped forward on the bed as he let her go, not caring that she was likely making a mess on the cover. She couldn’t move. She was done.

“Poor Pequeña. I’ll clean you up and get you back into bed. You need to get more sleep.”

Sleep? Yeah, she thought she might sleep for a thousand years. There was the sound of running water, and then he moved her onto her back. But instead of immediately cleaning her up, he ran a finger along her pussy lips, pressing it inside her.

She shuddered.

“Sore?” he asked in concern.

“No, Papi.”

“Are you sure? Was I too hard on you?” Worry filled his voice even as she shook her head.

“No, Papi. You were just the right amount of hard.” She winked at him.

He groaned and shook his head at her. “That was terrible.”


“I want to check that you’re all right. Hold your legs under your knees and pull them back to your chest.”

Oh hell.

He was bent on embarrassing the hell out of her, it seemed. She drew her legs back, holding them there as he carefully and slowly cleaned her up, then parted her lips to inspect her.

“See? That wasn’t too bad, was it?”

She glared up at him.

“Just had to check my girl was all good.” He got her dressed in his shirt again and tucked them both into bed. He drew her over him so she was lying on top of his chest. One hand was over the back of her neck, and the other spread over her ass.

Possessive, much?

“You are my whole world, Preciosa. And I’m sorry I didn’t protect you better.”

The self-recrimination in his voice hit her hard.

She tried to move, to sit up so she could look down at him. But he wouldn’t let her.

“Papi, it wasn’t your fault. You couldn’t have known that Mikey would kidnap me or that Starla was alive.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll be doing better in the future. We just need to find this asshole wannabe-Deity.”


She had a feeling that she wasn’t going to get much freedom over the next few weeks. Maybe months.

And the fact was that she didn’t want to go anywhere. She didn’t want to leave the house. To go out into the world.

The idea actually terrified her.

“I think I should call Stubby,” she suggested even though she knew that Alejandro would object to contacting an FBI agent. But Agent Stubbs had taken down the cult, she’d known him for years.

He stiffened. “No.”

“He might know something. Or have a way to help. We should at least let him know what is going on, Alejandro.”

“Absolutely not. I do not engage with the FBI.”

“Not asking you to marry the guy. And I’ll do all the talking.”

“Not happening.”

Urgh, he could be such a stubborn goat sometimes!


“How is my patient doing today?” Cat asked as she walked into the kitchen where Rafael was sitting at the counter reading his newspaper.

He gave her a dirty look and turned the page.

The Scot huffed out a laugh. “I’d say he’s fair to middling, Lass.”

“Middling? What is middling?” she asked.

“Somewhere in the middle of good and bad?” he said, scratching his head. “I’ve never really thought about it.”

“More toward bad, about to get very, very bad, if you don’t both shut up,” Rafael grumbled.

“How rude,” she huffed. “These last two weeks, I’ve been taking excellent care of you and all you do is give me lip.”

“Lip? I’m giving you lip?” Rafael looked up as he glared at her.

“Uh-huh. He’s been such a bad patient,” she mock-whispered to The Scot. “I wanted to do a simple test on him yesterday and he got so grumpy he started turning purple. I thought he was going to have a heart attack.”

“You wanted to stick a thermometer up my ass!” Rafael yelled.

“I didn’t want to do it. Sheesh, I don’t want to go anywhere near your ass. But I am a fully-qualified nurse.”

“You’re not a nurse, you’re a—”

“What?” Alejandro asked smoothly, coming into the room.

Uh-oh. He looked calm. But there was something dark and deadly on his face.

Rafael glowered. “Nothing.”

She sighed. This was her fault. “I was teasing Rafael about sticking something up his ass.”

Rafael’s glower deepened. He wasn’t the best patient. In fact, McGrumpface had grown even grouchier. He had some side effects from being poisoned. He grew tired easily and suffered debilitating headaches, but the doctor said he should make a full recovery.

Still, she knew he had to be pretty bored.

Which is why she’d been trying to keep him entertained.