“Mikey, you need to think about this” Cat urged. “Alejandro will kill you for harming me.”

“Alejandro will never find you or us!” Starla cried. “And you deserve to pay for what you did. You stole Vince from me!”

“What?” Cat gaped at her.

“All he could go on about was how hot you were. How much he wanted you.”

“Fucking gross. Like I wanted him. He tried to rape me!”

“You must have come on to him. There’s no way he’d have wanted you when he had me. I’m going to enjoy killing you. Nice and slow. And then we’ll leave your body for Alejandro to find. I mean, if he does find it before some wild animal gets to it.”

She wasn’t going to be able to reason with this nutjob, so she turned to Mikey.

“You’re really going to kill me, Mikey? I trusted you. Alejandro trusted you.”

“I’m destined for better things than what Alejandro had me doing.” Mikey puffed out his chest.

“Like what?” she asked. “Being this bitch’s lap dog?”


Ouch. She really, really had to start thinking before she spoke.


She could taste blood in her mouth from where she must have bitten down on her cheek.


God, her head hurt.

Alejandro, where are you?

She just had to keep them talking until he got here. He’d save her. He’d always come for her. She knew that. Right now, it was the only thing that was keeping her from losing her mind.

“Destined for what?” she asked. “What does that mean? What better things?”

Mikey grinned. “Don’t you know? He said you were smart. That you might work it out.”

Who was he talking about?

“She’s not going to. She’s such a dumb cunt,” Starla said. “Show her. Show her what you have.”

Turning, Mikey lifted up his T-shirt.

And there on his back it was . . .

Oh God.


“A Sentinel tattoo,” she whispered. “You . . . you’re . . . how . . . why?”

“Aw, are you speechless?” Mikey asked, turning back around. “Alejandro could never recognize my greatness. But the Deity has chosen me. After he found out you were with Alejandro, he searched for someone in his ranks worthy of being a Sentinel. He found me. And then once we formed this plan, he gave me this tattoo as a sign of his faith in me. I couldn’t get it before or I risked someone seeing it.”


“I will be by his side when he takes back his rightful power and kills everyone who doesn’t believe. He’s going to come for you all. But you . . . you’re a special case, Cat. You ruined everything. But now his vision is being reborn. Still, he’s not that happy with you. And he wanted me to treat you to some extra fun.” He wheeled over a tray filled with things she didn’t want to look at. She swallowed heavily, feeling ill. She knew they planned to torture her. She could see it in the manic look on Starla’s face.

The bitch planned on enjoying this.

“Wait . . . it can’t be the Deity. He’s dead. He killed himself.”

Mikey shrugged. “Did he? Or was he reborn greater than before?”

“Madre de Dios! Whatever he promised you, you can’t believe him. All he ever does is lie. He’s just using you to kill me. He won’t give you whatever he promised. When did you last see him? What did he look like? Who is he going after next?”

Were her friends safe?

Desperation filled her.

“You know Alejandro will kill you, right?”

Mikey smiled. “I’m not scared of Alejandro. He’s nothing.”

Mierda! Where was Alejandro?

Mikey picked up a sharp-looking knife and her heart leaped in her throat.

Oh fuck.

What was he planning on doing with that?

As he turned to her with a strange look on his face, there was a commotion from outside.

“What the fuck is that?” Mikey asked, turning to look at the door.

She smiled coldly. “It’s Alejandro. He’s coming for you.”

As she finished talking, the door opened with a slam and Alejandro stepped into the room, looking fierce and wild.

Holy crap.

She’d never seen him look like this before. If she didn’t know him, she’d be terrified. His hair was up on end, his face cold and dark. Starla raced toward him with a scream. But he simply picked her up and threw her aside. She hit the wall with a crunch that made Cat jump.


Cairn moved in behind him, his face set in dark lines. Mikey shifted quickly behind her, pressing something cold and sharp against her neck.

“Mikey!” Alejandro roared. “Get the fuck away from her!”

The knife.

Oh God.

She whimpered. Alejandro didn’t move his gaze to her, though. She wasn’t insulted. She knew that he was focused on Mikey. He’d get to her once she was safe.

“Don’t you move any closer or I’ll slit her throat!” Mikey yelled.

“There’s no way you’re getting out of this alive, Mikey,” Cairn warned. “So put the fucking knife down and let her go.”