“Who told you that?” She thumped her fist into her hand. “Someone needs to know that snitches get stitches. I’m gonna make them some of my no-bake bars.”

“You are not making anyone your no-bake bars. Now, open up.”

She gave him a stubborn look.

“Three bites. If you still don’t like it, Papi will make you a protein drink.”

She sighed. Fine. Maybe she should try it. She opened her mouth and took the spoonful he fed her.


It was like eating cardboard coated in yogurt. She pulled a face, but he quickly fed her a bite of melon, which was yummy. She pointed at the fruit.

“Not just fruit. Another bite. That’s it. Good girl.” More fruit followed, then the last spoonful. She shook her head and pointed at his coffee.

“I don’t think Little girls are allowed coffee,” he mused.

Her lower lip dropped into a pout.

“But they might get an iced coffee in their sippy cup if they drink all of their water and eat three more bites of breakfast.”

She nodded eagerly. After she’d eaten enough to satisfy him, he cleaned her hands and mouth, then gave her an iced coffee in a sippy cup while he cleaned everything up. Then he came over and picked her up and carried her back outside. She hadn’t had time to explore this wing of the house, but they had a view of the pool and then out beyond was the ocean.


“Are we going swimming, Papi?” she asked.


“I needs my bathing suit.” She tried to wriggle free from his arms, wanting to run upstairs and grab it. But he gave her bottom a small smack.

“Stay still. Papi has everything sorted.”

On one of the sun loungers was a bathing suit and matching hat. They were a deep blue color with mermaids over them.

He wasn’t going to dress her in those out here, was he?

Worry filled her.

You’re not supposed to worry.

Alejandro is in charge.

Cheese and crackers. This was hard. But it was also something she really wanted to experience.

“Good girl,” he whispered as though sensing her turmoil.

She smiled up at him.

“You know I’m far too jealous to let anyone see you naked except me, don’t you?”

Ah, yep.

That was definitely true. He walked into a small pool house. Why he needed a pool house when the main house was just there, she had no idea.

It had a large room with a bar and then a room leading off it, which she guessed was the bathroom.

“Do you need to go potty?”

She shook her head.

“I think you should try. Just in case.” He stripped her off and then carried her into the bathroom, putting her on the toilet.

To her embarrassment, she ended up peeing.

Darn it. How did he know her body better than she did?

After cleaning her up, he carried her back out and laid her down on a mat on the floor. He dressed her in the bathing suit, then put on the hat, which tied under her chin.

Getting some sunscreen from a cupboard, he coated her in it. She wriggled around, giggling.

“Papi! Ticklish!”

“I have to get this everywhere,” he told her, clearly enjoying himself. “I don’t want my baby getting sunburned.” He rolled her onto her tummy and rubbed it over her back and legs, he even drew down her bikini bottoms and ran it over her ass cheeks.

“Papi, the sun can’t get to my butt-butt!” she complained. “I got bottoms on.”

“Well, what if I need to pull these down to spank your bottom?” he asked.

“Papi! You won’t have to do that!”

He snorted. “Wanna bet?”

Hmm. Actually, no, she didn’t want to bet.

“Stay there,” he told her. “I have a few things to get.” He moved to another door that she hadn’t even noticed. Her eyes widened as he came out with a giant swan floaty. It had two holes for the legs so you could sit in it and float around.

He was also carrying some arm bands.

“I’ll carry these out and then come back for you.”

She waited for a moment, but then she grew bored. Patience wasn’t Cat’s strong suit.

Standing, she started walking outside. Alejandro appeared in the doorway. He shook his head.

“Just as well you didn’t make a bet.”

Huh? What did that mean?

He swept her up into his arms and carried her outside. Then he settled on a sun lounger and arranged her over his lap.

Face down.

Well. This wasn’t looking very good.

He drew her bikini bottoms down.

“Papi! What are you doing?”

Slap! Slap!

“Did Papi tell you to stay put?” he asked in a low voice.

Smack! Smack!

“Yes, but Papi, I barely moved!”

Slap! Slap!

She started kicking her feet. Those smacks were hard. He really meant business.

“Are you allowed to walk today?”

Oh, crap.

She might have forgotten about that part.

“Noo,” she cried.

Smack! Smack!

“I’m sorry, Papi! I forgot!”

Slap! Slap!

She was sobbing when he stopped to gently rub her bottom. “No walking today, Pequeña. And if Papi gives you an order, he expects you to obey. ¿Comprendes?”