“I was a bit worried about my brother marrying someone too sweet and innocent to handle this life. But you’re a survivor, aren’t you, Cat?”

“Yeah, I am. You’re not here to hurt me, are you?” Or worse.

“Nah. I’m not here to hurt you. I just wanted to chat before the wedding. Since you’re going to be my new sister. And that makes you family. I take care of my family.”

“You sound like Alejandro. He’d do anything for family.” She was relaxing. Slightly. Because while he might not be here to hurt her, that didn’t necessarily mean she could trust him.

“He would.”

“Wait. Shot the best man? You’re going to be his best man?”

“Sure am. That a problem? I am his brother, after all.”

“No problem.” She’d let Alejandro work that all out.

“I’ll escort you out to that guard dog of yours. He was already frothing at the mouth when I snuck past him.”

Oh, Sampson was going to be so pissed when he learned about that.

She definitely wasn’t going to be the one to tell him.

“Um, maybe we should tell Alejandro you’re here.”

“Nah. I like surprises, don’t you?”

“I don’t. Not really.”

“Hmm. I suppose growing up the way you did, I can understand that. I think it makes life more fun. Gives it an edge, you know?”

“And you like that? Having an edge?”

“Of course. Living on the edge reminds me that I’m alive today . . . tomorrow is another story.”

Good Lord.

“You know what, I think I’m going to call you Sprinkles. I always wanted a cat called Sprinkles, but was never allowed one.”

“Um, okay.”

He held out his arm, his elbow crooked.

“If I have to stand in front of you to save you from being shot and my dress gets dirty, I’ll be really pissed.”

“Never fear, Sprinkles. I’ll do my best not to get shot at.”

“Does it happen often?” she asked.

“Me being shot at?”


“It does. I like living on the edge, remember?”

“Sounds dangerous.” And a bit like how Alejandro lived. Even though he’d promised her many times that he was taking every precaution he could to keep himself safe.

However, she couldn’t help but worry.

“Come on. Let’s get you to big brother before he pisses his pants, worrying that you might not to turn up, and comes storming in here.”

Just as she placed her hand on his arm, a knock on the door had her looking up at him in shock.

“No, I’m not psychic. And that’s not Alejandro.”

“Because he wouldn’t knock.” She nodded.

He glanced down at her and she thought she saw a bit of surprise on his face. “You know him well.”

“I love him. I’ll look after him. I won’t let anything happen to him.”

His gaze was intent, and she expected him to make fun of her. To point out that Alejandro was the most lethal man in the state, so why did she think that she could protect him?

But Ortega just nodded and stepped toward the door.

When he opened it, Sampson stood on the other side. His eyes widened and his face grew red.

“Let her fucking go!” he roared.

Oh fuck.

She leaped forward and put her hand over his mouth. “Sampson! It’s all right! This is Ortega, Alejandro’s brother.”

Before she could get anything else out, though, she heard footsteps pounding toward them. She turned her head and there stood Cairn and Tobias in the hallway, their guns drawn.

She jumped in front of Ortega, putting her arms out. “Don’t hurt him! He’s Alejandro’s brother!”

“Cat!” Sampson yelled.

“Get away from her!” Tobias demanded.

“Fuck!” Cairn said. “Ortega?”

“Cairn,” Ortega replied cheerfully. “Looking as ugly as usual.”

“Fuck,” Cairn repeated. He put his gun away and signaled to Tobias to do the same.

“He says that a lot around me,” Ortega told her quietly. “Sprinkles, we need to talk about you not jumping between the people with guns and their target. Alejandro would be upset if you got shot.”

“Shot!” Sampson roared. He grabbed her, tugging her toward him and pushing her behind his back as he turned on Ortega. “I don’t know who the fuck you are, but normal people announce their presence to security before they turn up at someone’s wedding!”

“Normal? I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to be normal.” Ortega smiled, looking relaxed.

“Sampson, this is Alejandro’s brother,” she repeated.

She tried to move out from behind Sampson, but he shoved her back.

Suddenly, Ortega grabbed Sampson, pushing him against the wall and placing a knife against his throat.

“Ortega!” Cairn yelled. “Do not!”

“I’m going to have to warn you not to shove my new sister again.”

Okay, she shouldn’t be getting warm fuzzies from that. Not when this guy was holding a knife to one of her best friends.

“If she doesn’t want to go somewhere, then she doesn’t go somewhere. Not unless my brother tells her to. Since he owns her.”

And now those warm fuzzies were gone.

She glared at Ortega. “Hey! He does not own me.”