“What? Someone for Alejandro?”

“What? No! He’s mine.” No one would ever touch Alejandro. “No, I was talking about finding someone for my new bodyguard.” Cat looked at her contemplatively. “Maeve . . .”

“No. Nope. Don’t even start trying to matchmake. I don’t need someone in my life.”

“But, Maeve, he’s a Daddy Dom. He’d be perfect for you.” To be honest, she wouldn’t really sic him on Maeve.

It wouldn’t be fair. On Maeve.

But she was hoping that if she prodded a bit more, she’d break down and tell Cat about this mystery man.

“Really? Why would he be so perfect for me?”

Shoot. She had her there. She couldn’t think of one nice thing to say about Rafael.

“Well, um, because then you’d come live with me and we could be sisters.”

“We’re sisters in every way that counts.”

“I know. I just miss you.” And she did. She missed them all.

“I’m sorry, Cat. You know I’d come visit if . . .”

“If you weren’t worried that Alejandro wouldn’t just keep you here. You know he could come find you at any time, right?”

“I know. He won’t, will he?” Maeve asked.

“Well, I wouldn’t tell him about any more guys trying to accost you.”

Maeve smacked the palm of her hand against her forehead. “Why can’t I lie?”

Cat giggled. “Yeah, you’re so bad at lying. Are you really all right?”

“I’m fine.”

“You know we just love you and want you safe, right?”

Maeve let out a deep breath. “I know. It’s just . . .”

“You like having your freedom. I get it . . . sometimes I think about joining you.”

“No, you don’t,” Maeve countered.

“No, I don’t,” Cat agreed with a grin. “I’d miss my Papi. But sometimes, I like to tease him that I’m going to travel around with you.”

“And sometimes you get your butt paddled,” Maeve reminded her.

Cat shrugged. “If it happens, it happens.” Like it happened last night. Which was why she was leaning against the wall instead of sitting. But she moved her focus to Maeve. “Where are you now? Are you really all right?”

“I am. Promise. I’m in Montana.”

“I love Montana! I was there not long ago, and I made a friend. Want her details?” Tabby would be happy to meet up with Maeve.

“It’s a big place, Cat.”

“True. And there is no guy?”

“Not really. He was cute. But he was bossy. Not Alejandro-bossy, but close.”

Yikes. That was pretty bad. They talked for a while; Maeve kept trying to distract her from mentioning the guy she’d met.

“Don’t think I don’t know your tricks, missy. But I’ll bite as long as you call me straight away if you see him again. I’ll keep it a secret, promise.” Unless Maeve was in danger.

“You’re not allowed to keep secrets from Alejandro.”

“Ahh, bummer. You’re right. He does get his panties in a twist if I do that.”

Maeve giggled, which is what she’d intended.

“Fine. Fine. You don’t have to tell me. But if things start to get serious and you want Alejandro to look into him . . .”

“I’ll talk to you first.”

There was a loud knocking on the door. “Cat! What are you doing?”

Cheese and crackers! Could she not get a moment to herself?

“I’m on the toilet!” Cat called back. “What do you think I’m doing?”

“You’ve been on the toilet for ten minutes.”

“I’m constipated. Is that a problem? Can you please back off and give me some privacy?” Cat said with exasperation.

Rafael grumbled through the door. Urgh. So annoying. He’d gotten worse since she tried to escape for ice cream.

“See what I have to put up with? Oh, I spoke to Immy yesterday. They’re just finishing up Jenner’s tour. Sampson was in a grouchy mood.”

Cat kept Maeve talking about their friends. Mainly to annoy Rafael.

There was more knocking. Yep, she was doing a good job.

“All right, I better go. Mi niñera is going to be barging in here if I don’t.”

“Love you. Bye!” Maeve blew kisses through the screen while Cat pretended to catch them.

“You are a giant—” She forcefully opened the door, only to discover that there was no one on the other side.

What the hell? Where was he?

She was going to murder that giant pumpernickel.

Racing along the passage, she nearly crashed into Doomy Gloomy, who was on his way to the kitchen.

“Watch where you’re going!”

“Sorry, Doomy, got stuff to do! People to torment!”

“I’m sticking an extra pin in my voodoo doll tonight!”

“Goody! Hey, McGrumpface!” she called out as she saw him storming toward her, a . . . a drill in his hand. “What the hell? What were you going to do? Unscrew the door?”


“I can go to the freaking toilet.”

“Not for fifteen minutes!”

“I was talking to my friend.”

Rafael walked into the kitchen, placing the drill down and picking up his newspaper. He let out a huff of annoyance.

Seriously, who read an actual newspaper anymore? Everything was online nowadays.