She wouldn’t do that. She continued to lap at him until he groaned.

“Don’t play with me, Kitten.”

Well, where was the fun in that? She wanted to see if she could make Sir purr.

News flash: she did.


“Leo? Have you got an update for me?” Alejandro answered his phone as he stepped into the foyer in his house. He headed to his office to take the rest of this call.

“I do,” the leader of the Radical Raiders replied.

Alejandro moved to the windows, looking out. “You found Jimmy.”

“Yes. We’ve just spent the night extracting information from him.”


That was something he would’ve preferred to be there in person for. “What did you find out?”

“He paid those two idiots to kidnap your wife. It wasn’t a planned thing since they didn’t know she was coming with you. He’d asked them just to watch you when your plane landed. But they must have seen your wife and contacted him and he told them to grab her.”

“But why? What did he want?”

“He was working for Ruiz,” Leo said grimly. “Ruiz offered him a whole fuckload of cash to turn rat.”

Fuck. He should have guessed.

“So Jimmy had Bert and Ernie kidnap Cat for Ruiz?”

Fuck. If Ruiz had gotten his hands on Cat . . . nausea bubbled in his stomach.

“Yeah. Don’t need to tell you that you need to take care of Ruiz.”

No, he didn’t.

“Jimmy?” he asked.

“Taken care of. Sorry that happened, Alejandro,” Leo said grimly.

Alejandro ended the call and poured himself a Scotch. He wanted to go find Cat and hug her tight. But he needed to calm himself. And call Dante.

He took a breath and placed the call. “It was all Ruiz.”

“What?” Dante asked.

Alejandro explained it all.

Dante started swearing. “That motherfucker needs to die. I’m putting plans in place.”

“Good.” He ended the call and moved to his desk.

Then he frowned as he glanced around.

That little brat.

“Pequeña!” The roar came through the house.

“It wasn’t me!” she cried, running to hide behind the chair in her playroom.

Okay, this had a bit of a feeling of déjà vu.

How come she was always getting into trouble? She was a good girl. Really.

Sort of.

“Catarina, what did you do to my office?” he asked as he entered her playroom.

She slammed her hand over her mouth, clutching Roger and Snuggly to her chest.

“You are not as well hidden as you think you are,” he warned her.

She glanced down at herself and saw that part of Snuggly was showing around the end of the chair.


“Cat, what did you do to the things in my office?”

Ohhh . . . right . . .

So she might have been a tiny bit grouchy when she woke up this morning to find he’d already left. Without saying goodbye.

Really. Rude.

She’d been worried. And when she got worried or angry . . . she tended to, well, react.

“On a scale of one to ten, how angry are you? One being happy as a clam and ten being a volcano about to erupt?” she asked.

“Cat,” he said again.

She peeked over the back of the chair. “I’m going to take that as really angry.”

She could still feel the effects of Alejandro’s punishment yesterday after the great ice cream incident.

After the spanking, he’d made her sit in his office and write lines with a plug in her bottom.

By the time she’d finished, she’d been so turned on that she’d been begging him to let her come.

The bastard hadn’t given in.

Alejandro sighed. “Pequeña. Play-Doh? Really?”

“Sorry, Papi. I might have been a tiny bit grumpy when I woke up this morning.”

“Hmm, and why were you grumpy? Was it because you were naughty and sent to bed last night without getting to come with your bottom hot and sore?”

“Papi! Not in front of Roger and Snuggly.” She stood up, holding her toys close.

“They’ve heard and seen much worse.”

She couldn’t argue with that.

“You left without saying goodbye.”

He stilled, a softer look filling his face. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to wake you. I’ll try not to do that again, all right?”

“Okay, Papi.” She wrapped her arms around him, holding him tight.

“Good. Now, come with me. You’re going to come and clean all of my supplies that you’ve covered in Play-Doh. And then you can sit and write some lines.”

“Not more lines, Papi.”

“More lines.” He opened the door and came to a stop. “Rafael? Everything all right?”

“Yes. I just wanted to check that Catarina was all right.”

He always called her Catarina. It made her feel like she was constantly in trouble.

“She is fine. Just a bit of mischief to take care of.”

“I apologize if I wasn’t watching her closely enough.”

“It’s okay, Rafael. I don’t expect you to watch her constantly.”

Alejandro led her into his office. “On top of burying my stuff in Play-Doh, you’re also not allowed to come into the office when I’m not here.”

“I is sorry, Papi.” She stared down at her feet, twisting one into the carpet.