Like Mama did.

That was still an open wound that she’d hoped would have healed after seven years.

Unfortunately, it hadn’t.

“What?” he said sharply. “Never! Why would you even say that? I’m doubling your punishment for that sentence alone.”

Relief mingled with alarm.

“I’m a lot of work.”

“A lot of work? Cat, you are adorable, gorgeous, loyal, and smart.”

“So is a Rottweiler.”

He eyed her with a firm look. “Obviously, I’m not doing a very good job of showing you your worth.”

“What? No, you do!”

“Then you should know that you’re the center of my universe and everything I do is for you.”

“I know. I do know that. I love you, Alejandro.”

He drew her onto his lap so she was sitting sideways. She curled into him, undoing his top buttons so she could settle her hand on his chest.

“I know it was stupid to try to leave,” she said. “I was just mad and I reacted badly.”

“What can I do to help the two of you get along better?”

“Maybe give him a personality transplant? Or a lobotomy? Are you sure you couldn’t shift him to a different job?”

He huffed out a laugh. “I kind of need him to have a brain to keep up with you, mi Pequeña mocosa. And I don’t have a different job for him.”

“Old McGrumpface seems really unhappy with being my bodyguard though. Maybe he could scare little old ladies or make babies cry. Something that he’s better suited to.”

“I’m afraid not,” he said in a gentle but firm voice. “He’s your bodyguard. You’re both stuck with each other.”

She groaned. “He doesn’t even like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He called them juvenile! Can you believe that, Papi?”

“It’s definitely a grave offense,” he said solemnly. “Do you wish me to deal with him for such an atrocity?”

“Yes! Yes, I do! I think some time in the dungeon should suffice.”

“Of course, Milady. Only problem is that we don’t have a dungeon.”

“It’s really time we remedied that,” she commented. “All cheesy villains have a dungeon of torture.”

“Cheesy villain?”

“Oh, right. Roger, don’t call Papi a cheesy villain,” she whispered to her toy, who was now on the floor. “You know he’s sensitive about that. It gives him feelings.”

“Sensitive? Feelings?” he rumbled. “And do not blame Roger. Unless you want me to give him a spanking as well as you.”

“A spanking? I don’t needs a spanking, Papi!”

“You do need a spanking. You tried to leave the house today without permission or a guard. That’s against the rules, isn’t it?”

“McGrumpface is such a nark. Doesn’t he know that snitches get stitches?”

“Actually, it wasn’t Rafael that called me.”

“It wasn’t?” She eyed him curiously. Then it hit her. “Doomy Gloomy!” She punched her fist into the palm of her hand. “Those two have been getting chummy. I won’t have it! It’s mutiny! They’re ganging up on me, Papi!”

“I think they see it as looking out for your best interests,” he said dryly.

“Don’t be fooled, Papi. Don’t buy into the patriarchy.”

“Um, you realize that I am the patriarchy?”

“Huh. I don’t think you are, Papi.”

“Pretty sure I am, Preciosa.”

“But if you’re the Patriarch, that makes me the Matriarch. Which means I rule Doomy Gloomy and McGrumpface. They work for me.”

“Actually, they work for me. They help me take care of you. And you will listen to them when it comes to health and safety. You don’t have to listen to them about anything else. All right?”

He ran a finger down her cheek.

“All right, Papi.”

“Good girl. I will have a word with McGru—uh, I mean, Rafael, about letting you leave the house when it is safe to do so.”

“I don’t want him to think I was tattling. Even though they’re both on my enemies’ list for now.”

“I’ll tread carefully.”

“That’s why we make such a good team, Papi. You’re so careful and gentle. While I’m a bulldozer.”

He snorted out a laugh. “Careful? And gentle? Is that what I am?”

“Yep. A big ole softie. That’s what Roger said.”

“Oh, is it? I wonder if you’ll think the same after I’ve finished spanking you?”

She gasped, putting her hands behind her on her butt. She could feel the padded panties she’d put on. She’d had them made just for this sort of situation.

She was wearing an adorable denim romper with a deep blue T-shirt. It could pass for everyday clothing or Little wear.

“You don’t has to spank me, Papi!”

“Yes, I do. I will not have you putting yourself in danger, Catarina.” His face grew serious and he was using her name.

Her bottom cheeks clenched together nervously in response.

“But I wasn’t actually in danger.”

“That’s not the point, and you know it.” He ran a finger down her cheek and over her lips. “Into the corner you go. I’m afraid this is going to be a hard punishment for you.”

Wow. That wasn’t what she wanted to hear. Feet dragging, she hauled Roger and Snuggly over to the corner, sighing sadly.