And every lead he tried to follow about her father’s murder had also ended in a dead end.

There was nothing at all.

However, Alejandro wasn’t a man who accepted defeat.

“My brain was playing tricks on me. She wasn’t there. I just . . . I was so sure.” Turning, she looked at Alejandro as the plane took off. There were tears in her eyes and he hated the heartbreak on her face.

“I was so stupid, Papi. I’m so sorry.”

“Shh,” he murmured to her, gathering her as close as he could. She shuddered in his arms, but at least she dropped her feet to the floor and hugged him back.

“How did you get to me so quickly?” she asked.

“As soon as Mikey let me know you’d gone missing, I had Nighthawk track you. Unfortunately, he soon discovered that your necklace was at that pawnshop. He managed to hack into their cameras, and figured out which car you were in. I don’t know how he does everything he does, but he’s the best. We lost you for a bit, then he picked up your trail again at a gas station. I got your necklace and rings back, by the way.”

Thank God. That was one less thing to worry about. She felt naked without them.

He ran his hand over her hair during take-off. As soon as the plane leveled out, he undid both of their belts and picked her up, carrying her to the back room to lay her down on the bed. Reaching into the small closet, he pulled out the bag Alfie had left there.

From it, he drew out Roger and Snuggly and gave them to her. Cat immediately latched onto them, holding them close.

Then he pulled out a pair of fluffy socks, taking off her shoes and slipping them onto her feet.

After that, he lay down and gathered her close to him, singing to her quietly in Spanish.

Gradually, she calmed down. “I’m so sorry.”

“Stop, mi Pequeña. What is done is done. And you will remember next time not to run off from your guard.”

Especially as he was now planning on hiring her a permanent bodyguard. Maybe one that was used to dealing with Littles and would know to keep a closer eye on her.

One that wouldn’t let her call all the shots, like all of his other men.

Utterly ridiculous. Every one of his men had blood on their hands. They were hardened criminals.

Yet this Little girl had them eating out of the palm of her hand.

But she was his.

Not theirs.

His to protect. To cherish. To love.

To discipline.

He rubbed her bottom.

“Will you punish me, Papi?” Her voice was tired. She was completely drained and in pain. He’d made her take some painkillers in the car, but she’d probably need more soon.

“I think being kidnapped and hurt is punishment enough.”

“Really?” She looked strangely unsure and confused.

Did she want him to punish her?

“Hmm. But perhaps some corner time will help you remember to stay close to your guards.”

She nodded, some of the tension leaving her.

“We need to ensure this doesn’t happen again, mi Pequeña. You cannot run off from your guard. No matter who you think you see.”

“I won’t do it again. I promise. What about Bert and Ernie? And whoever hired them?”

“Tobias and Nico will find Bert and Ernie,” he told her firmly. “Soon, they won’t be breathing the same air as you. And I may have an idea of who could have hired them.”

And at the right time, he’d deal with that.

She nodded, her eyes closing.

“About this woman who helped rescue you,” he said slowly. She hadn’t said much about her, but someone who jumped in to help a stranger like that . . . without a thought for herself. She was someone worth knowing.

And protecting.

“Leave her be, Papi. She has a life and she doesn’t need you interfering.”

“She needs a lecture on not throwing herself into danger,” he countered.

“You’d rather she hadn’t saved me?”

“You know that’s not true. But she shouldn’t be running around in the dark on her own. And now I owe her.”

He didn’t like to owe anyone a debt. Keeping her from putting herself in danger again would erase that debt.

“I gave her my details. If she needs us, she’ll call. But I doubt we’ll ever hear from her.”

He grunted. She was probably right.

Cat buried in closer to Alejandro’s warmth. Why was she so cold?

A tremble ran through her body, taking her by surprise. It was followed by another one as her teeth began to tremble.


“It’s okay,” he soothed. “I was wondering when the adrenaline would wear off, it had to happen at some point.” He started to move away from her and she cried out, wanting him close.

“I’m not going anywhere. I’m just going to check you over and then get you wrapped up as tight as you can handle. All right?”