“Papi, that was terrible.” But she was grinning at his foolishness. “And yeah, it goes from huge to humongous.”

“But it’s never more than you can handle, is it?”

Pfft. Well. The first time he’d fucked her ass, she’d felt certain he was going to tear her in two. The bastard had laughed when she’d suggested that.

“Come here.” He crooked his finger at her.

Arrogant Pumpernickel.

Do not move toward him, feet. Be strong. You have this. You do not belong to him.

But her feet just laughed at her as usual.

Because she most certainly did belong to Alejandro. And her body knew that. Which is how she found herself standing between his spread legs as he sat back in the oversized chair.

How could he make a blue velvet chair with a white fluffy throw over the back of it look like a throne in the Devil’s lair?

“Did you think about your naughtiness, Pequeña?” he asked.

“Yes, Papi.”

“And what will you do differently in the future to avoid punishment?”

“Not get caught.”

His gaze narrowed. “Cat.”

“Joke, Papi. Total joke. Promise.” She might have crossed her fingers behind her back, though.

Just to be on the safe side.

“You’d be best not to joke about things like that,” he warned. “Not if you want to sit comfortably for the next week.”


“Noted, Papi.” She made sure her voice was subdued. Meek.

His sigh told her that he wasn’t buying her act.

“Over my lap you go,” he said. “Then you can have a nap.”


“Hey, what is it?”

“I just . . . I missed you, Papi.”

His tension eased. “Missed you too.” He kissed her lightly before sitting back and patting his lap.

Darn it.

She arranged herself over his thighs. At least he was only using his hand and not the hairbrush or his belt.

Or that nasty paddle he’d bought with her name on it. That was just mean. He’d given it to her last Christmas.

Who gave someone a paddle for Christmas?

Sure, there had been plenty of other presents and Santa had been especially generous.

But . . . a paddle?

Just mean.

Thankfully, it was in a cupboard in her playroom back in their Manhattan house.

Far, far away from her poor bottom.

“It’s a count of twenty, Pequeña.”

“Twenty! Papi, don’t you think that seems like a lot?”

“Actually, I thought I was being generous. Ten for acting like a bowling ball. Ten for giving yourself pleasure without permission. But I can add another ten for breaking your bedtime rule.”

“No, Papi!”

“Or I could give you twenty with your paddle instead.”

“You can’t, Papi!”

“Why not?” he asked as he rubbed her bottom.

“Because it’s not here. It’s at the other house.”

Thank goodness.

“Oh, mi Pequeña, you should know better by now,” he scolded. “I brought it with me.”

That rotten bastard!

Of course he had.

“You know what, Papi? After careful consideration, I think twenty with your hand is adequate.”

“I’m glad you’ve come to that conclusion,” he told her solemnly as he placed his left hand on the small of her back. “I only want you to be safe.”

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

“I don’t like being apart from you. I worry too much.”

Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!

Ouch. Crap. That was really starting to hurt.

“And I know it’s hard for you to remember to obey Papi when I’m not here keeping an eye on you.”

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

“Which makes me think you might need someone to watch you much more closely when I’m not with you.”

Um. What the fuck!

Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!

She’d lost count of the number of smacks, and she was too busy reeling from what he’d just said to pay much attention as his hand landed, making her ass throb and sting.

“Papi! No!”

“Are you allowed to tell me no?” he asked in a dark voice that would normally have her insides sitting up and taking notice.

But not right now.

“I do not need a babysitter! Or a nanny! Or whatever you’re thinking. You are enough!” More than enough. “Besides, Doomy Gloomy acts as your spy.”

He snorted. “Whenever he sees me coming now, he walks in the other direction because he feels guilty about not informing me of your latest escapade. He is helpless to stop you. Much like most of my men.”

“That’s not true.”

It totally was. Every word.

“Here are the last four.”

What? There was more? Her poor bottom was already hot and throbbing.

Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!

By the time the last one landed, she was kicking her feet, and tears were welling in her eyes as she let out a small sob.

“That’s it. Good girl. I hope this teaches you to start thinking about the consequences before you do something.”

Yeah . . . he could hope it would, but he shouldn’t bet on it.

Turning her over, he settled her on his lap, facing him.

“You’re wearing too many clothes, Papi.” She undid a few more buttons so she could press her cheek to his chest.

“Am I?”

“Uh-huh.” She put her thumb in her mouth to soothe herself as he ran his hand up and down her back. He shifted under her and she grabbed hold of him, not wanting him to move away.