She tried to fight her way free from his arms. But like everything in his life, if Alejandro didn’t want to do something, then no one could make him.

He was immovable.

Like a really stubborn goat.

With a huff, she stopped trying to break free of his hold and glared up at him. Only to see him gaping down at her.

Shaking his head, he moved to the armchair beside the bed. It was oversized, big enough for two. Sitting, he cradled her on his lap, then reached down to grasp her chin.

“I didn’t banish you to the ends of the earth.”

She sniffled. “Didn’t you? I’ve been stuck out here with nothing to do, no one to talk to. Abandoned! I was starting to wonder if you were coming back for me. I thought maybe you’d found someone else to shack up with.”

“Shack up with?”

“Yeah, it’s a term I learned from watching that reality TV show from New Zealand.”

“You mean the soap opera where everyone keeps dying then miraculously coming back to life?”

“It’s so good. I don’t usually like television, but it’s addictive. Do you think there’s like some sort of subliminal message in it? Saying ‘watch me, watch me, watch me.’”

“We’re in trouble if aliens ever invade,” he said dryly.

“Do you think they’re going to? I always thought that I’d make a great alien queen.”

He growled. “You are my Queen and no one else’s.”

She sighed. “Well, okay. But I hope you realize what a tremendous sacrifice I’m making in not accepting my true role as Queen of the Aliens and Ruler Supreme of the World.”

“Duly noted.”

“Especially after you abandoned me.”

“Just how long do you think you’ve been alone here for?” he asked.

“Months. Months and months. So long I can’t even keep track.”

“My Little drama queen, you’ve been here five days.”

“Nuh-uh.” It had to be longer than that, right?

“Five days,” he told her. “And I came as quickly as I could. Did you really think I had abandoned you?”

He drew Roger and the front pack off her.

“It felt like longer,” she confessed. “I just missed you.”

“Oh, mi Pequeña, it felt like forever to me as well.” He cupped the side of her face, then ran his thumb over her lips. “I didn’t want to send you here. It wasn’t a banishment. It definitely wasn’t so I could ‘shack up’ with anyone else.” He shot her a warning look that made her gulp. Right. She hadn’t really thought that. “You know I had to return to the city because of the rioting.”

“You should have let me come too.”

“You wanted me to take you to a place filled with people gone crazy due to the heat waves and rioting? You know that wasn’t an option for me. You were much safer here.”

“Was I? I just turned myself into a human bowling ball.”

He unclipped her helmet and drew it off, followed by her goggles. “Do not remind me. What were you thinking? Where the hell was Gage?”

He’d left Gage and several of his men to guard her.

“I don’t know. Probably thumping around like a giant thundercloud. He prefers to spend his time walking the grounds than with me.”

“He probably wasn’t the best choice. He’ll guard your body, but he isn’t a Daddy Dom, so he doesn’t understand that you need closer watching.”

“I don’t need closer watching,” she muttered.

“I disagree.”

“Why couldn’t I have The Scot? The Scot is more fun.”

“That’s exactly why I didn’t leave him. He would let you do whatever you like.”

“I know. That’s why I like him so much.”

He grasped her chin, tilting her head back. “Careful, Kitten. You don’t want to push me.”

She shivered at the words. Recently, they’d been spending some time as Sir and Kitten. And she loved it.

“Sorry,” she said.

“Are you?” he murmured. “I can see that you’ve forgotten a few things while you’ve had too much time on your own. Papi will need to punish you for risking your safety by skateboarding into a pile of giant pins.”

“I’m not sure they call it a pile of pins, Papi. There’s probably a proper name for it.”

“Not the point.”

“Oh, there’s a point?”

“This is exactly what I’m talking about. This sassy mouth needs something else to do.”

Heat filled her.

Um, yes, please.

“Oh, I wouldn’t look so happy with yourself if I were you,” he warned. “I didn’t say you were going to enjoy it.”

“That’s so mean. I get punished and I don’t get to come?”

He snorted. “That’s normally the way it works.”

“Still mean.”

“I can’t have you hurting yourself when I’m not around to watch over you, Pequeña,” he told her gently. “I know it was hard on you to be left here while I returned to the city, but I wouldn’t have left if it wasn’t urgent. I don’t like being away from you either. You’re my sunshine.”

“Great. That’s just great,” she grumbled.

“What is wrong?”