“Mama?” she asked.

“I just saw her. She’s fine. But . . . Pablo wants to meet you. I told him to fuck off, but he won’t release her until he talks to you.”

“All right.”

“We’ve searched his men for weapons, they’re all clear. Doesn’t mean that I trust him. So be careful, understand? Stay with me and do what I say.”

“I will, Papi.”

She held his hand as he helped her out. He kept hold as he led her over to where Pablo stood. The other man slipped off his sunglasses. His brown eyes flicked over her, but his face gave nothing away.

“You are Catarina?”

“Yes,” she whispered in reply.

“My name is Pablo. Would you talk with me in private?” he asked.

“Not happening,” Alejandro said.

Pablo’s jaw tightened. But she didn’t get the sense he was planning on hurting her.

“Please, Alejandro,” she whispered.

“No way. He could hurt you.”

“I don’t mean my sister any harm,” Pablo told him. “I just wish to talk to her.”

“You’ll only go five feet away. You don’t get any closer than two feet to her, and you have three minutes.”

Pablo nodded stiffly.

They walked away.

“He’s protective of you,” Pablo commented.

“Very,” she said.

“That’s a good thing, I suppose. Does he treat you well?”

Surprise filled her. That’s what he wanted to ask her? This cold man didn’t seem like he’d care about a stranger. But maybe he was a better man than Emiliano.

“He does. He takes very good care of me. I love him.”

Pablo nodded. “I didn’t know what my father had planned. We were not close. I spent as much time as I could far away from him.”


“And I didn’t know I had a sister. I wished to see you.”

“Is that why you used my mama as a bargaining chip to get me here?” she asked.

“Yes. Because I wanted to ensure you are happy.”

“And if I wasn’t?”

“I would take you from him.”

She sucked in a breath. “I’m happy. Honestly.”

“Good.” He let out a breath. “Your mother . . . she was not in a good way when I got to his compound. I am . . . ashamed I did not do more to help her.”

She stepped away from him. “He hurt her?”


“And you knew? You did nothing?”

“I didn’t realize he was harming her. But I did know he wasn’t a good person.”

“I . . . I want to see her.”

“Si.” He turned and gestured to his men.

The back door to one of the cars opened and a man appeared. He reached in to help a frail-looking woman.

Oh God. Oh God.

“Mama!” she cried. She wanted to race over to her, but Alejandro suddenly appeared by her.

He grabbed hold of her, pulling her to his side. “Let her come to you.”

It was so hard to wait. Cat was practically vibrating with anticipation. With the need to grab hold of Mama and never let her go.

She looked so thin and tired. While she moved easily, it was clear she was wary of all the men around her.

Then her gaze met Cat’s.

“Cat! Oh my God, Mija,” she cried.

Then Mama was in her arms and they were both crying and holding each other.

“Come on, Pequeña,” Alejandro said quietly. “Vámonos.”

She drew back from her mama and looked over to Pablo, who was shaking hands with Dante. Perhaps they were coming to an agreement.

She wandered over to him. Alejandro stuck close to her side.

“Will I ever see you again?” She didn’t really know how to feel about him. Except, she wondered if he was as much a victim of Emiliano as any of them.

“Perhaps,” he allowed. “I’ve come to an agreement with Dante to work with him. I would like us to be allies since we are family. Not sure we’ll ever share a table at Christmas, but perhaps we can speak sometimes.”

“All right,” she whispered.

Then she turned back to the car with Alejandro.

She just really wanted to go home. With both her husband and her mama.

“Catarina, Mija, I can’t believe you’re here.”

She settled in the backseat beside her mother and carefully hugged her again.

She felt so fragile, as though a harsh touch might harm her. Alejandro climbed in and sat opposite them. The car started up, speeding away.

“You shouldn’t have risked coming here for me,” Mama scolded. “I don’t know Pablo well. Though he’s a better man than his father, it seems. But I’ve had the wool pulled over my eyes before.”

There was a bitter note in her voice. She’d never been bitter before. But Cat guessed she could understand it. She’d been held prisoner for years by an evil man.

“Of course I came to get you, Mama,” she told her. “I’ve been searching for you ever since you disappeared.”

“Oh, Mija. You should have just forgotten about me.” Mama raised a shaky hand to touch her cheek.

“Never, Mama. I love you.” Tears ran down Cat’s cheeks and they embraced again. When she drew back, she saw Alejandro watching them. “Oh, I should introduce you to my husband. This is Alejandro De Leon.”