“Give him some time. Nighthawk’s safe space was invaded and that will have shaken him. Reuben has people watching him really closely.”

“Will he hurt himself?”

“They won’t leave him on his own until they’re sure he is all right,” Alejandro reassured her. “Come here.”

She shook her head. “No.”

“Pequeña mocosa, you know I don’t like to hear the word no. You look terrible. You’re barely sleeping, you’re not eating, and you’re running on fumes.”

“I’m fine. I didn’t even have a scratch. You were shot. You need to sleep. Go back to sleep.” She gave him a fierce look, her voice stern.

“Preciosa, you’re having delusions.”

“Am not.”

“Sure are. You’ve deluded yourself into thinking you’re in charge. You’re going to lie down next to me and you’re going to get some sleep.”

She wrung her hands together. “I can’t. I have to take care of you.”

“Then I won’t rest until you do. So by coming and lying here, you will be taking care of me.”

Yeah, he wasn’t above manipulating her.

“You’re such a jerk sometimes.” She sniffled.

Oh, his poor baby. He crooked a finger at her.

She glanced down at her feet as she shuffled toward him. “Traitors.”

“I know they are, Preciosa,” he soothed as he reached over to help her onto the bed with his good arm. Fuck. This was going to piss him off very quickly. “But they know who is in charge.”

“I’m going to be in charge now.”

He settled her in next to him as he leaned back against the pillows behind him. He might have wanted her to lie down for her own health, but the truth is, he needed this too.

“No, you’re not. It’s always me.”

“It should be my turn. I want a turn. I have a strap-on dildo, you know.”

“I know all about your strap-on dildo, that you’ll never get to use. Although I’m not sure why we’re talking about that right now.”

She let out a small sob. “You got shot, Alejandro. Why’d you have to get shot? I could have lost you.”

She started to cry and his heart broke. Fuck. He’d hoped he would always be able to shelter her from this. But the truth was, his life was dangerous.

And one day, he might get hurt and not come back to her.


He wouldn’t let that happen. He couldn’t.

Alejandro closed his eyes against the pain of her quiet sobs.

“I’m so sorry, mi Pequeña. So sorry.”

“You shouldn’t have gotten shot!” She smacked her hand down on his stomach. He flinched, then hissed.

“Oh God!” She sat up and stared down at him in horror. Fuck, trying to keep hold of her was like trying to capture running water. “I hurt you. Oh no, that’s why I shouldn’t be lying here with you.”

“Catarina De Leon, lie back down right now.”

“Or what?” she challenged.

Oh, this Little brat.

“Or I’m going to spank you.”

“You can’t spank me right now.”

“No, but I have a very good memory and I’m taking note of every infraction until I can. So unless you want to spend every night over my lap for a month, you’ll lie down. Now.”

“You didn’t have to threaten me, Papi,” she grumbled as she lay down.

“Wasn’t a threat, Preciosa. It was a promise.” He hugged her securely against his side.

“Are you sure you’re all right? I didn’t hurt you?”

“You didn’t hurt me. I promise. I’m so sorry that Emiliano got close to you. You should never have been at risk.”

“I w-wasn’t worried a-about myself.” She was trembling again. Fuck.

“I know. It must have been so scary. But I’m all right. I’m alive. I’m fine.”

“Do you think that Mama is all right?”

He wanted to lie to her, but he had to prepare her. “I don’t know.”

“He’s had her all this time. God knows what he’s been doing to her. And what if Pablo is like him?”

“We will do whatever it takes to get her back to you. I promise.”

She was quiet for a long time, and he hoped she’d fallen asleep.

“I nearly lost you,” she said in a stark voice. “You could have died.”

More sobs escaped. Fuck, she was breaking his fucking heart.

“Shh. Shh. I’m not going anywhere. I’m right here. I’m with you. Shh. You’re all right.”

“Don’t leave me. I can’t be without you. I can’t. You promised forever. Siempre.”

“And I’m still here. I’m here, Kitten. Please stop crying, you’re killing me.”

Cat tried to stop crying, to relax into his embrace, to listen to his words. But panic welled inside her.

She was slammed by so many thoughts at once.

Images of Mama being hurt. Of Pablo coming after her for killing Emiliano. Everyone dying because of her.

Oh God.

She couldn’t breathe.

What was wrong with her?

“Preciosa, you’re having a panic attack. You need to calm down and take a deep breath.”

“I . . . I shot . . . him.”

“I know, and I’m so fucking proud of you. You did what you had to do to protect yourself and me. Such a brave, special girl. But we can talk about that after you can breathe properly. Just breathe for me. Listen to my voice. I want you to look around you. Tell me five things you can see.”