That was true.

“I’m surprised you didn’t sleep in here instead.”

“Um, well. I sort of made myself a bed in the walk-in closet.” She found it hard to sleep in big spaces without him.

“Oh, mi Preciosa. Why didn’t you tell me you were finding it so hard?”

“Because it wasn’t a big deal. And I knew you were busy.”

“I’m a busy man,” he agreed. “But you always come first.”

Those words settled something inside her.

“I think I’ve been spoiled by you, Papi. That’s the problem. I’m used to you being around.”

“That’s not being spoiled. You deserve nothing less. Now that I’m here, I will be paying much closer attention to you.”


She wasn’t quite sure she needed that. “I don’t think you need to do that, Papi. I don’t want to be greedy.”

Amusement filled his face. “Is that so? Or is it that you’re worried that with more attention comes more spankings?”

That. Definitely that.

“Did you come without my permission while I wasn’t here?”

“Um, well, Papi, you see . . . there might have been a small accident.”

“Accident? Really? You fell and your fingers touched your clit and you came?”

“Does that sound believable?”

“That sounds like a lie that will get you some time with the hairbrush.” He drew off her shorts and panties, inspecting her legs for bruises.

“I’m guessing you’re not talking about doing my hair,” she said.

“You would guess right.”

“But if I tell you I came without permission, then I’m probably going to get a spanking anyway, right?”

“Probably. But it won’t be with your hairbrush. It will be with my hand.”

“I made myself come,” she said quickly. “But it was purely medicinal.”

“Medicinal?” he asked.

“Are you sure you’re feeling all right?” she asked, studying his face. “You’re definitely looking a bit grape-colored. I think Aaron needs to do some tests. What if you’ve got high cholesterol?”

“I think it’s more that I have high-stress levels.”

“You do lead a stressful life. You should take a break. Maybe have a holiday,” she suggested.

He surprised her by leaning forward and kissing her forehead. “I’m sorry I haven’t been able to take you on a proper honeymoon. It’s been nearly ten months since our ceremony.”

“It’s all right, Papi.” Now, she felt terrible. She’d love to go away for a week with just the two of them. No work. But she knew it was pretty much impossible.

Alejandro didn’t have a typical job. It was his life. Part of who he was.

“It’s not all right. I want to take you away, mi Pequeña. Anywhere you like. Just not right now.”

“I understand.”

“We will make a date and stick to it. You choose where you want to go. Anywhere you like.”

Anywhere she liked, huh? Oh, she had a definite idea of where she wanted to go. This could double as an opportunity to mend some fences with his family. Things were still strained with Dante.

Men. So sensitive.

“I’ve changed my mind, Pequeña.”

“About the honeymoon? Wow, that was quick.”

“No, not about the honeymoon. About you getting to come.”

“Yeah? What’s the catch?” Because she knew him too well for that. There had to be a catch.

“The only way you’ll be allowed to come is by showing me exactly what I missed out on when you made yourself come without permission.”



Alejandro had to stop himself from smiling.

It was difficult.

She looked both horrified and intrigued at his proposition. He wasn’t sure which emotion would win in the end.

This was something he had never asked of her before—to make herself come in front of him. But the more he thought about it, the more he wanted that. Wanted to see her lose herself to the pleasure.

A pretty pink was filling her cheeks. The fact that she could still blush even though they’d been together two years, filled him with heat and love.

He loved this woman so much. He didn’t know what he’d done to deserve her. He wasn’t perfect. Not by any stretch of the imagination. He’d made plenty of mistakes, many of them with her. Keeping Cat safe was often a delicate balance.

She was a wild card. Impulsive. Unpredictable.

And that was part of the reason he loved her.

“I . . . you . . . are you serious?” she whispered.

“Si, if you want to come tonight, the only way you’re gaining my permission is by re-enacting your orgasm from the other night. You didn’t ask my permission. Worst yet, you didn’t give me the opportunity to watch, to help you.”

“You weren’t here!” she protested.

“Do you think I need to be here to give you pleasure, Kitten?” he asked in a low voice. “I can assure you that I don’t.”

“Are you . . . are you talking about phone sex?” she asked, sounding scandalized.

He laughed, and she sat up, covering herself. He stopped laughing immediately, not liking that she looked so unsure.

“I apologize. I wasn’t laughing at you. I just find it so sweet that you’re still so innocent after everything we have done together.” He winked at her.