After a moment, I added softly, “You also taught me I’m going to be okay, and that maybe my last relationship didn’t break me after all.” Because I was getting emotional, I tried to lighten the mood with, “And finally, you taught me not all black licorice is disgusting. Ninety-nine percent of it is, obviously, but there’s one oddly delicious brand out there, which comes from somewhere in the Netherlands.”
I climbed off him when he rolled over, and he kissed me before saying, “I like knowing I’ve made a difference.” Then he reached for the oil. “Let’s switch. I’ll massage you for a while.”
Typical. He never made himself a priority. I took the bottle from him and said, “I’m not done, Mal.”
After he settled in on his back, I massaged his legs before doing a thorough foot massage. He seemed very relaxed and happy, and I loved knowing I was making him feel good. But the massage was just the start.
When I pushed his legs apart and licked his cock, he raised his head and grinned at me. Then he fell back with a moan as I began sucking him.
I put everything I had into that blow job, and I took my time because I wanted the pleasure to last. By the time I finally made him come, it was so intense that he yelled and arched off the bed.
Afterwards, he pulled me close and wrapped himself around me. I shifted a bit so I could cover us with the duvet, and he mumbled, “You need a turn.”
He was totally wiped out though, so I whispered, “Later, Mal. Go ahead and rest.” He snuggled closer and fell asleep, and I sighed contently as I gently rubbed his back.
I hadn’t intended to fall asleep, but between the hot bath, the massage, and the orgasm, it was pretty inevitable. By the time I woke up, it was the middle of the night. I was tucked into a warm, comfortable bed, a fire was burning brightly in the large fireplace, and outside, rain was tapping on the windowpanes.
I rolled over and grinned when I saw Daniel sitting beside me. He was propped up with a bunch of pillows and was wearing a new red sweatshirt with the Canadian flag on it. He’d been writing in a notebook, but as soon as I moved, he set it aside and smiled at me. “Hey,” he said, as he gently brushed my hair from my face. “I thought you might be out until morning.”
“I’m sorry I fell asleep on you. It really wasn’t my goal to come and then leave you high and dry.”
His smile turned playful. “Don’t apologize. I feel like a total stud when I make you come so hard that you’re rendered unconscious.”
I chuckled at that and put on my glasses. “Why does it smell so good in here?”
“I made us dinner, a big pot of lentil stew and some focaccia. I didn’t know when you’d want to eat, but it’s even better after it sits for a while, so I figured it’d be a good choice.”
“I didn’t know you can cook.”
“That’s because we didn’t have a kitchen in your fancy hotel suite. Would you like me to heat up dinner for you?”
“I’d love that. I’m really hungry.”
Daniel kissed my forehead before climbing out of bed. He was barefoot, and he was still wearing those sexy red panties with the sweatshirt. I leaned over and watched his perfect little ass as he left the room, which made my cock twitch. Damn. He was always sexy, but that was mind-blowing.
Once he was gone, I got up and went to get dressed. He’d brought our luggage into the bedroom, so I fished through my suitcase hoping to find something sexy—or at least flattering—to put on. But of course, it was all just my usual boring crap. For lack of any better ideas, I went with black pajama pants and a Henley.
Once I was dressed, I went into the bathroom and used the facilities. After I washed my hands, I paused in front of the mirror and tried to do something with my hair. I flipped it to one side, but that looked like I was trying way too hard. Next, I tried arranging my curls in a way that looked sexy and tousled, instead of messy and unkempt. Finally, I gave up and stuck it in my usual messy bun before going to find Daniel.
He’d kept the fire going in the living room, so the entire cabin was nice and warm. When I joined him in the kitchen, I said, “You’ve been busy. It looked like you were getting some writing done, too.”
“I feel really energized. It’s exciting to be someplace new and different.”
He was doing a few things at once, so I asked, “Can I help?”