“I’m glad you like it. The cabin’s on the small side, but I chose it because it was so private.”
“I like that, too.” I turned to face him and draped my arms over his shoulders. “It means we can run around naked without having to worry about the neighbors clutching their pearls.”
“It might be a little cold for that.”
“Not if we keep a fire lit in that nice, big river rock fireplace.”
“A fire sounds good, actually. I’m going to get one going.”
“I’ll come help in a minute,” I said. “I want to spend a little more time with this sunset.”
He went inside, but then he returned a few seconds later with a fleece blanket. He wrapped it around me and kissed the side of my head before returning to the living room.
That was so sweet that I forgot all about the sunset and followed him. As he crouched down and lit the kindling that had been set up for us in the fireplace, I said, “You know, you’re a wonderful person, Mal.”
He glanced at me and grinned. “But?”
“But nothing. You’re just wonderful.”
“Well, thank you. For the record, I think you’re wonderful, too.” When I snort-laughed, he rolled his eyes. “You’re also truly awful at taking compliments.”
“Whatever.” I deposited the blanket on the couch and changed the subject with, “I could use a shower. I feel grubby after running around all day.”
“You could do that. Or, we could check out the other thing that sold me on this particular cabin, besides its private location.”
“Which is?”
“A large jacuzzi tub.”
That made me smile. “I hope it’s big enough for two.”
“Let’s go find out.”
We cut through the bedroom, which had a massive four-poster bed, its own fireplace, and the same great view as the living room. The bathroom was attractive and spacious, with tiles made to mimic the colors of river rock, a large walk-in shower, and as promised, an amazing tub.
I flipped the lever to engage the plug and got the water running as I told Malcolm, “It’s not big enough for two, it’s big enough for eight. You need to join me, strictly in the interest of public safety.”
“Public safety?”
I tried to look serious. “You should never enter a large body of water by yourself. There could be an undertow. Or a strong current. Or…sharks.”
Malcolm chuckled and took off his hoodie. “If any sharks come along, I promise to defend you.”
Once we both stripped down, we climbed into the hot water and I murmured, “This feels so good.”
“We haven’t even gotten to the best part yet.”
He was talking about the jets, which made the water churn and bubble when he pushed a button. But the best part was actually when I put my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. It felt so good. Better than anything.
How the hell did I think I was going to walk away from Malcolm when this was over?
But then, I wouldn’t have to worry about walking away. He’d fucking run, once the truth came out.
I really didn’t want to think about that now though, so to distract myself I sat up and said, “There’s no piano.”
“You were coming here to work on your music, but there’s no piano. Don’t you need that when you’re composing?”
“That wasn’t an option with any of the cabins, so I made arrangements to use one of the pianos at the lodge, in case I was suddenly hit with inspiration. If you want to, maybe we can have brunch over there in the morning and check out their music room.”
I dispensed some liquid soap into my hands and worked it into a lather. It smelled like sandalwood, with a hint of citrus. Then I shifted around so we were face-to-face and began to half-wash and half-massage Malcolm’s shoulders. A soft sigh slid from him as he closed his eyes.
That gave me the chance to study him, as the setting sun turned his skin to gold. Most of his hair had escaped from his messy bun over the course of the day, and now the steamy bath was turning it into loose ringlets. He said he’d gotten it cut for the wedding, but it didn’t look any different. His short beard was a little tidier than usual though, since his barber had trimmed and shaped it. I almost preferred the scruffier version of him. There was something so appealing about a handsome man with very little ego and zero fucks to give.
My attention shifted to his full lips, and I murmured, “Incoming,” as I leaned in, just so I didn’t startle him. We lingered in a deep kiss, and when I leaned back, his mouth curled into a grin.
He raised one lid and asked, “Why’d you stop?”
“No idea.”
I kissed him again, and when he slid closer, I wrapped my legs around him. We kept kissing off and on as he soaped up his hands and began to wash me, and I relaxed under his touch. I started to get hard when his hands slipped below the water to my ass, so I rocked my hips to rub my cock against his. It was gratifying to feel him respond.