I whimpered as I exploded down his throat, and he kept sucking me until I was spent. My knees almost buckled, but he straightened up quickly and caught me in an embrace. He held me until I could stand on my own, and then he helped me with my clothes.

Once we were both dressed, he started to reach for the door. But I grabbed his arm, and when he turned to look at me I whispered, “Just one more minute. Please.”

As he gathered me in his arms and stroked my hair, Malcolm murmured, “Of course, baby. I’ve got you.”



I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had sex in a public restroom. It had been years. Decades. Another lifetime.

As far as that went, I couldn’t remember the last time I’d gone dancing, either. I wasn’t sure when I’d stopped, or why, because it was just as good as I remembered it. No—it was better, because of Daniel.

I’d been feeling a bit of uncertainty after Ginny’s lunchtime revelation. When he’d arrived at my suite a few hours later, I was still a little thrown off. Going out and having fun together seemed like a good way to get us back on track.

The club had proven to be much like any other—loud, crowded, and full of people in their twenties, all looking to get laid. I’d started to think coming here had been a mistake, until we hit the dance floor.

A lot of times, when people danced they were in their own little world. But not Daniel. He’d stayed totally engaged with me, and he was so sexy. He moved his body like he’d been made for this, and he seemed to be every bit as enthralled with me as I was with him.

Sex in the men’s room clearly hadn’t been the plan at the start of the evening. But once he began grinding on me, I’d gotten so turned on that fucking him started to feel like a matter of life and death.

Now that we’d both finished, we were still in that cramped bathroom stall, and he was clinging to me in a way that touched my heart. He always sought comfort and connection after sex, but this was more than cuddling. It felt like a real need.

We had to get out of here though, so after a minute of holding him and stroking his hair, I whispered, “We should go.”

He held onto my sleeve as we finally left the stall, and when we paused at the sink to wash our hands, he leaned against me. I took his hand, and as we exited the restroom, I asked, “Would you like to spend some more time here?”

Daniel shook his head. “Do we have to go right back to the hotel, though?”

“Nope. We can do whatever you want.”

On his suggestion, we headed to a nearby coffee house, where we got iced coffees and a couple of cookies to go. We started walking after that, and Daniel pulled up his usual veneer, the one where he pretended he was tough and independent and didn’t need anyone. He was always particularly vulnerable after sex, and in need of comforting and reassurance. I thought it was sweet, but it made him self-conscious, and he usually overcompensated afterwards.

We ended up walking all the way back to the hotel, which took a solid hour. Along the way, he said, “I’m really excited about tomorrow. I’ve never been out of the country before.”

“We’ll barely be fifty miles over the US border.”

“It still counts.”

“I should have asked this sooner, but you have a passport, right?”

“I do. It’s brand new and all ready for its first stamp. I got it a few months ago, because my boyfriend at the time had offered to take me on a trip. I’d been looking forward to it, but then he turned out to be a lying, cheating dirt bag.” It was hard to keep my mouth shut, since I knew exactly what he was talking about.

Once we returned to the hotel, we showered and got ready for bed in separate bathrooms. When he joined me in the main bedroom, I asked, “Is that iced coffee going to keep you up?”

“No. I’ve developed a freakishly high tolerance for caffeine. What about you?”


We settled in under the covers, and Daniel bit his lip. It looked like he was dying to say something, so I asked, “What are you trying to keep to yourself?”

The words spilled from him in a high-speed jumble. “I’m so excited about this trip! I didn’t want to go on about it because you’re not looking forward to flying, but I can’t believe it’s actually happening! This time tomorrow, I’ll be in a different country. Do you think we can do some sightseeing in Vancouver before we get on the boat?” He quickly added, “If not, that’s fine, too. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful. You’re already being so nice by taking me along, and you don’t have to alter any of your plans for me.”