By the time we finally broke apart, my cock was throbbing and my skin felt like it was charged with electricity. Malcolm looked as flustered as I felt, and he started to ask, “Do you want to—”


He grinned at me. “You don’t know what I was about to say.”

“You better have been asking if you could fuck my brains out.”

“I was going to phrase it differently, but yes.”

“Absolutely. Right now, please.”

A mischievous grin played around Malcolm’s lips as he removed his glasses, folded them, and placed them on the dresser. That signaled a transformation worthy of Clark Kent.

The self-proclaimed introverted nerd fell away, replaced with someone bold and confident. My first taste of that came when he picked me up, carried me across the room, and tossed me onto the bed.

I loved the effortless way he took charge. After we got undressed, he set the pace and guided what was happening, in a way that made me feel like I could let my guard down and relax.

He also turned out to be the most generous, giving partner I’d ever been with. His sole focus was on making me feel wonderful—and he was so skilled that it turned me into a puddle, so I could barely reciprocate. He alternated between sucking my cock and licking, kissing and caressing every inch of me, and all I could do was grab two handfuls of bedding and writhe underneath him.

When he finally took a bottle of lube and a condom from the nightstand, I thought the focus might switch to his pleasure. But no. Working me open turned into a prostate massage that left me moaning, bucking, and totally wild with need. It was almost too much, but he was good at knowing when to back off. Then he built me up again before easing me down.

I tried to catch my breath when he paused to put on the condom. But when he slid his thick cock into my ass and started fucking me, it was as intense as the rest of it. I ended up wrapping my arms and legs around him and holding on for dear life as pleasure overwhelmed my senses.

When he slowed down and touched my cheek, I looked up into his warm brown eyes. He smiled at me and asked, “How are you doing, Daniel?”

All I managed was, “Good,” because I could barely form a coherent thought right then.

He sat up a bit and squeezed some lube into his palm. Then he started jerking me off while he went back to pounding my hole. That new position put him at the perfect angle to nail my prostate, and with each thrust I felt my orgasm building.

It crashed into me moments later, radiating through my body like a shockwave. A few seconds into it, he started to come, too. Both of us were swept up, grabbing onto each other as everything around us shattered and fell away.

Afterwards, we were left gasping for breath as we came back to ourselves. I hadn’t been prepared for any of that—the intensity, our connection, the way he took care of me. I hugged him tightly for a long moment, and he whispered, “You’re amazing, Daniel.”

I hadn’t earned that praise, and when I could speak again I told him, “You’re the amazing one. I’m sorry I was such a pillow princess.”

“What’s that?”

“Someone who lies back and makes their partner do all the work in bed.”

“I didn’t do all the work.”

“You did at least ninety-seven percent of it.”

“Also, I wouldn’t call it work.”

I kissed his cheek before letting go of him. Since when was I this clingy? He eased his cock from my ass and threw out the condom, and I grabbed a big wad of tissues from the box on the nightstand.

As I tried to mop up the cum on my stomach, he climbed out of bed and told me, “Feel free to use the shower, and help yourself to any toiletries that you need. I’m going to get cleaned up too, but I’ll use the other bathroom, so you can have this one.”


“Take your time, and meet me in the living room when you’re done.” He grabbed his glasses and took some clothes from the dresser before leaving the room.

Even though my legs still felt like wet spaghetti, I wasted no time getting a shower, since I was a sticky, sweaty mess. While I stood under the hot water and replayed the last hour, I couldn’t help but smile.

That had been mind-blowing, and I was glad it happened. My only concern now was keeping this from turning into a one-night stand, but hopefully he’d want round two—and three, and ten—as much as I did.

After I finished showering and toweled off, I finger-combed my wet hair and gave myself a spritz of his cologne, which smelled heavenly. Then I put on the jock strap, along with the borrowed tank top and shorts, and went to find him.